ChatsPlus icon

ChatsPlus -----

The solution for custom chats with a lot of features.

If you're looking for a plugin that allows you to make multiple different chats, then this one is for you!


ChatsPlus allows you to create chats that only certain players and ranks can join and chat in, assign those chats to a certain world and much more!

This plugin also has EssentialsDiscord support. If you have chats, that should not be shown in a Discord server, then you can have them ignored using a sub-configuration inside the config file.
(More about that in the config section of this description)

It is recommended to use a permissions plugin like LuckPerms for the best experience.

This plugin mainly uses the main command /chat in-game, however it comes with subcommands.​

Player Commands:
  • /chat <chat> - Assigns you to a chat. (<chat>)
  • /chat off - Unassigns you from a chat. (
  • /chat mute <chat> - Mutes a chat for the player. (chatsplus.command.mute)
  • /chat unmute <chat> - Unmutes a chat for the player. (chatsplus.command.unmute)
  • /chat help - Shows the list of commands. (
Admin Commands:
  • /chat assign <player> <chat> - Assigns player to a chat. (chatsplus.command.assign)
  • /chat kick <player> - Kicks player from a chat they're assigned to. (chatsplus.command.kick)
  • /chat reload - Reloads the configs of this plugin. (chatsplus.command.reload)
Console Commands:
  • chatsystem listChats - Lists up all chats.
  • chatsystem listWorldChats - Lists up all worlds with chat assigned.
  • chatsystem getPlayerChats - Lists up all players who are assigned to a chat.
  • chatsplus.command.* - default: true
  • chatsplus.command.assign - default: op
  • chatsplus.command.reload - default: op
  • chatsplus.command.kick - default: op
  • - default: true
  •<chat> - default: true
  • - default: true
  • chatsplus.command.mute - default: true
  • chatsplus.command.unmute - default: true
  •<chat> - default: true
  •<chat> - default: op
  • chatsplus.admin.* - default: op
  • chatsplus.admin.join - default: true
  • chatsplus.admin.bypass - default: true
Note, that the admin permissions, that have a "default: true" tag, mainly take the parent permission's default tag, which is "op".

This plugin supports Placeholder API!

  • %chatsplus_chat% - sends the chat name the player is in.

Code (YAML):

#  CHATSPLUS by Niestrat99  #

#  DEBUG  #

# Allows the developer to try and find out any possible bugs.
: false

# []>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<[]

#  CHATS  #

# This option allows you to make new chats. Simply add them to the list below.
# Each chat, that you create, will automatically have a permission named '<chatName>'.

# The chats must have sub-settings set up as well, or else it uses default values which may look ugly.
# - title = The text that appears in the very front of the message.
# - nameTag = The way the player name is displayed. You can make it look like "xXPlayerNameXx" for example.
# - messageColor = The color of what the actual message shall appear in.
# - ignoreDiscord = This prevents the EssentialsX Discord plugin from sending a message out of this chat into the Discord server, if set to "true".
# chats:
#     vip:
#         title: '&8[&6VIP&8]'
#         nameTag: '&8<&6name&8>'
#         messageColor: '&6'
#         ignoreDiscord: true
# - The color codes (e.g. &6) are optional, but allow you to make your chats look fancier.
# - You MUST have the text "name" included in your nameTag section, or else the player name won't be displayed.
: '&b [&fStaffChat&b ]'
: '&b<&fname&b>'
: '&r'
: true
: '&8 [&6VIP&8 ]'
: '&8<&6name&8>'
: '&6'
: true

# []>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<[]


# In this section, you can assign a chat to a certain world.
# If a player joins that world, they'll automatically be assigned to that specific chat.
# Just like the chats section, this section also comes with sub configurations:
# - chat = The chat that shall be assigned to the world
# - isGlobal <true/false> = Whether the chat shall appear in all worlds or not
# - offStandard <true/false> = If the player shall be put into the assigned that when using /chat off/kick

# To assign a chat to a world you do the following:
# per-world-chat:
#     world:
#         chat: vip
#         isGlobal: true
#         offStandard: false
# - The world must match the world's actual name.
# - All three sub configurations MUST be included! If not, then the plugin will set default values to it.
# - Make sure you're setting a valid chat created in the chats section above, or else the plugin will remove that setting.
: vip
: true
: true

# []>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------<[]


# Assigns the joining player to the specified chat, if they have the permission 'chatsplus.admin.join'.
# This can be ideal, if you want staff members to be automatically assigned to a staff chat.
# It bypasses the Per-World-Chat settings.
: ""


If you found any issues, got questions or need help with this plugin, then feel free to reach out to me here:

Lastly, please leave a review and tell me what you think of this plugin!

REMINDER: The review section is NOT a place to ask for support or report bugs.
If you have any issues or need help with the plugin then please use any of the support links above!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 119
First Release: May 5, 2024
Last Update: Jan 2, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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