# PotionEffectsRemover
Minecraft plugin to disable some potion effects.
Support **Paper** forks including **Folia** for version 1.20 to the last one. (See version compatibility in releases)
Older version than 1.20 won't be supported.
## Install
Download last version.
Place it in `plugins/` in your server files.
After 1st launch you can edit config in `plugins/PotionEffectsRemover/config.yml`
## Test
To test plugin you need Java 21+ to compile & package: `./gradlew assemble`. Plugin file will be in `build/libs/`.
Then you need an 1.20 Minecraft server with PaperMc or a fork to run it.
## Configurations
Edit `plugins/PotionEffectsRemover/config.yml`.
The only needed setting is `disabledPotionEffects`that determine witch potion effects will be disabled.
You can optionaly define some bypass, so player will ba able to have disabled potion effects.
Bypass can be a gamemode, for example all player in creative can have disabled potion effects.
Bypass can be a cause, for example if the potion is set by a command, then it's not disabled.
`affectOnlyPlayers` allow you to disable potion effects for player only or for all entities.
## Statistics