StaffUtilities is a skript designed to help server moderators manage players.
- /ipcheck <player>
- /uuidcheck <player>
- /mute <player> <reason>
- /unmute <player> <reason>
- /ban <player> <reason>
- /unban <player> <reason>
- /invsee <player>
- /tphere <player>
- /clearinv <player>
- /clearec <player>
- /announcement <text>
- /vanish
- /enderchestsee <player>
- /clearchat
- /staffchat <text>
- /staffmode
More features like an improved reporting and warning systems, temp bans, temp muted and more will be added to the skript in the future.
For suggestions/support, contact me on discord. Username: tramskovi
I would appreciate any reviews/feedback. Positive or negative I'll take it and try to make the skript better