Brings AuthMe support to your BungeeCord
and Velocity servers!
This is a fork of
AuthMeBungee with added support
Velocity proxy software.
Description copied from AuthMeBungee's README
This plugin acts like a bridge between your bukkit servers and your BungeeCord instance. To explain simple how it
works, bukkit-side plugins send a message to bungee-side on user authentication. If bungee-side doesn't receive this
message, the player won't be able to talk in chat and to perform commands, including BungeeCord commands.
If you have AuthMe on multiple servers, you can enable autoLogin option that allow you to switch
between your servers without having to perform login command again.
Changes from AuthMeBungee
AuthMeProxy includes support for both
BungeeCord forks and
unlike AuthMeBungee, which is compatible only with BungeeCord.
Additionally, AuthMeProxy contains a simple developer API, allowing you to interact with the backend player directly
from proxy.
This includes:
- Force login
- Force logout
- Unregistering players
- Registering players
For player operations to work at least one player has to be online on the target server.
GitHub issues
Please do
not ask for support with this fork on AuthMeReloaded Discord.
BungeeCord (and forks)
- Java 1.8+
- BungeeCord/Waterfall/Travertine 1.7+
- Java 17+
- Velocity (tested on 3.3.0)
Bukkit Bridge for Velocity
- Spigot or any of its forks (Tested on Paper and Purpur 1.12+, any version above 1.7 should work)
This part is mostly the same as with original AuthMeBungee
1. Download AuthMeProxy-Bungee-x.x.jar package
2. Place AuthMeProxy-Bungee-x.x.jar into your BungeeCord's plugins folder
3. Restart everything
4. Configure the plugin
(don't forget to config authServers)
5. Enable the
Hooks.bungeecord option in your
AuthMeReloaded config file
6. Enjoy!
Velocity installation requires installing the core plugin on your Velocity server and a bridge on all your auth servers.
1. Download
AuthMeProxy-Velocity-x.x.jar package
2. Place
AuthMeProxy-Velocity-x.x.jar in your Velocity's plugins folder
3. Download
4. Copy
AuthMe-Velocity-Bridge-x.x.jar to all auth servers' plugins folder
5. Restart both Velocity and all auth servers
6. Configure the plugin
(don't forget to config authServers)
7. Enable the
Hooks.bungeecord option in your
AuthMeReloaded config file
8. Enjoy!
Please follow these steps and configure the plugin before saying it doesn't work!