With this plugin, you can: Change the sizeof any living entity(bigger & smaller) with optional stepsfor a transition.
Modify it for entitiesor players with a specific name,UUID, entity ID,scoreboard tag,the entity you are looking at,or entities in a specific range around you!
There are also someother optional modifierslike: Movement speed,jump strength,step height, etc.(Look into the config) To make it more playablefor a player witha different scale.
This plugin overrides the vanilla player attributes!
Code (Text):
/entitysize reload (Reload config)
/entitysize reset <optional player / @a> (Reset size to default)
/entitysize <size> [time] (Change your own size)
/entitysize player <player> <size> [time]
/entitysize entity looking <size> [time] (The entity you are looking at)
/entitysize entity tag <tag> <size> [time] (All entities with a specific scoreboard tag)
/entitysize entity name <name> <size> [time] (All entities with a specific name)
/entitysize entity uuid <uuid> <size> [time] (Entity with that uuid)
/entitysize entity range <blocks> <size> [time] (Entities in a specific range from your location)