The main purpose of HyvelEngine is to provide abilities for more easier plugin creation and better maintaining. And most importantly, to stay lightweight and well performed.
List of Features:
- Internal command & permission registration (without using plugin.yml).
- Command API to create commands with multiple levels of sub-commands and custom flags [-f].
- Config API with auto-generated fields and options & custom FileConfiguration class with some useful methods.
- Database API to store plugin & user data with SQLite and MySQL support. Including utility classes for building SQL queries, columns and tables.
- Editor API to handle player's chat / command input when prompted (used in GUI Editors mostly).
- Language API to handle multiple language configs and great message customization (JSON, action bar, titles, sounds, prefix).
- Manager API to create "manager" classes and event listeners.
- Menu API to create customizable flexible GUIs programatically or from config files.
- Placeholder API to create and handle internal placeholders and replace them in plugin texts/messages very fast instead of regular Java .replace.
- Vault Integration to obtain server's economy & permissions datas.
- JSON Parser custom utility to create & parse messages with multiple JSON components, such as: Hover, Run Command, Show Item, etc.
- Wrappers a few wrapper classes over Spigot ones for easier creation and usage.
- Utilities a lot of classes with different utilities, such as Location, Item, String, File, Number, Player, Time, Array and others.
- Regex API custom CharSequence implementation to prevent plugin / server stutter of unoptimized regex expressions after specified timeout.
- Random API custom random algorhythm with useful methods to roll chances, weights, or just numbers.
- TriFunction function class.
HyvelEngine, itself, uses almost no server resources, because there is no events, tasks, GUIs, commands, etc. If you see it in your spark timings near the top, then some plugin that utilizes HyvelEngine is either bad designed or misuses the API.