CustomAnvilGui is an innovative plugin designed to solve the problems of Geyser users in using the anvil. This plugin offers a customized and intuitive user interface that greatly enhances the gaming experience. With CustomAnvilGui, Geyser users can now use the anvil without problems, making the game smoother and more enjoyable. Whether you’re looking to repair tools, combine spells, or rename your favorite items, CustomAnvilGui makes it all possible with just a few clicks. Try CustomAnvilGui today and discover a better way to play Minecraft!
⊱ Possibility to configure the anvil interface;
⊱ Possibility to configure all messages;
⊱ Possibility to enchant and rename an item;
⊱ No Dependency;
⊱ RGB Support for messages;
⊱ cagui <help> for help commands ⊱ cagui <reload> for reload the plugin
# you can use a different coloring by using a hexadecimal. for all messages Ex. &{#FFFF00}(yellow). # Example for a command: '/cgfa &{#FFFF00}<reload>&{#000000} command reload Labyrinth plugin' Messages:
Prefix: '&eCustomAnvilGUI &r'
Footer: '&7
) &9
[] optional value, <> required'
Reload: ' &e/cagui &6<reload> &7for reload CustomGuiForAnvil plugin'
Help: ' &e/cagui &6<help> &7for help commands'
Rename: '
}&aTool name has been successfully registered, please now reopen the anvil'
Lists: {} Warnings: {} Info:
Rename: '
}&7Please write the name of your tool in chat'
NoPlayer: '
}&cYou are not a player'
CommandNotFound: '
}&cCommand not found'
InsufficientPermission: '
}&cInsufficient permission'
InsufficientExperience: '
}&cHEY! &7You don''t have much experience for enchant this items!'
Debug: # Commands execution Commands: false
# Enabled of plugin Enabled: false
# Disabled of plugin Disabled: false
# Click in the gui ClickGui: false
If you want support or ask for anything, don't hesitate to report it either on Discord or via SpigotMC.