The plugin is a tool for automatically sending messages in the server chat. It stands out from others with its convenient configuration, allowing easy customization of message text, intervals between them, and other parameters. Thanks to frequent updates, users can be confident that the plugin will always be supported and enhanced with new features and improvements.
Auto Messages Convenient Configuration Text with the & symbol
That's about it, so happy using it!
The configuration itself
Code (YAML):
interval: 60
# Input in seconds random: true
# Will the messages be sent randomly messages:
message1: -
"&cBest server" -
"&cBoxPvP" message2: -
"&aBest server" -
"&aBoxPvP" # Sure, I can generate as many messages of this type as needed # message3: # - "&aBest server" # - "&aBoxPvP" reload: "&aThe plugin was successfully reloaded {time}ms"# Message upon configuration reload permission: "You do not have permissions!"# Message if there are no permissions