Makes it possible to craft snail shells (special shulker boxes or chests), which you can enter by interacting with them. Inside a snail shell, you can build whatever you desire. After exiting the snail shell, you can take your house with you like a snail does. The plugin's name is German and translates to snail house.
- Snail shells can be customized with a variety of colors and sizes.
- The snail shell recipe can be customized.
- A lot of commands, e.g. to create snail shells, receive information about them, teleport to them etc.
- Commands provide tab completion for easier usage.
- Snail shells can't be destroyed from the inside by players, e.g. using explosions.
- Support for custom snail shells (see below).
- Snail shells can be deleted.
- Control who can enter your snail shell by locking it
- Nesting of snail shells (configurable in the config)
- And much more!
How it works
When you install the plugin on your server, a separate world is automatically created. Every time a player crafts a snail shell, it will be added to this world and assigned an unique id. When the player then enters the snail shell, they are teleported to the world and can build inside the snail shell. When exiting the snail shell, they are teleported to their previous position that is stored by the plugin.
Crafting Recipe
To craft a snail shell, by default, you need a
shulker box or chest and a
spyglass. The more
gold ingots you add to the recipe, the bigger the snail shell will be. The recipe can be changed in the config.yml file of this plugin.
Creating a Custom Shell Type
- Be an operator.
- Use /sh tp to be teleported to the snail shell world. All templates must be build in this world.
- Build the template for the snail shell. All its blocks must have x- and z-coordinates smaller than zero so that it doesn't collide with actual snail shells. The template must not be bigger than 64 blocks in width. You should add a door to your snail shell so that players can teleport back. They will spawn in the north-east corner of your snell.
- Use /sh newShellType <name> <template area> <ingredients> to register the snail shell type. The template area is specified using the x-, y- and z-coordiantes of both corners of your template. Tip: You can use tab completion to enter the corners by looking at the corner block. Example usage: /sh newShellType cherry_chest -20 0 -20 -10 10 -10 spyglass diamond
- The snail shell can be crafted using a chest and the specified ingredients. It can also be created by using /sh create custom <name>.
- Futher edits can be done in the config.yml file. You should avoid removing snail shell types because their instances would become invalid.
Main command: /schneckenhaus or /sh
/sh create Creates a snail shell with random size and color.
/sh create shulker <size> Creates a snail shell with the specified size and random color.
/sh create shulker <size> <color> Creates a snail shell with the specified size and color.
/sh create chest <size>
/sh info Shows information about the snail shell you are standing in.
/sh info <id> Shows information about the snail shell with the specified id.
/sh giveShulker Gives you a shulker box connected to the snail shell you are standing in.
sh giveShulker <id> Gives you a shulker box connected to the snail shell with the specified id.
sh delete <id>
And many more.. For a complete list use
/sh help
- schneckenhaus.*: Gives all permissions listed here
- schneckenhaus.craft: Allows players to craft a snail shell
- schneckenhaus.enter: Allows players to enter any snail shell which they click on
- schneckenhaus.command: Allows the usage of the /schneckenhaus command
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