AdvancedNightVision Plugin
This is a simple plugin that allows you to enable or disable night vision for a given player.
With the simple input of "/nv [player]", players can toggle night vision on or off. This command works for any specified player or defaults to the command sender if no player is specified.
Installation Guide
Follow these simple steps to install the AdvancedNightVision on your server:
- Download the plugin.
- Place the downloaded file into your Minecraft server’s ‘plugins’ folder.
- Restart your server to enable the plugin.
- Once restarted, the plugin is ready to use! Simply type [/nv] in-game.
To enable or disable night vision:
/nv [player]
If no player name is given, the command will toggle night vision for the sender.
nv.*: All permissions
nv.use.self: Allows the sender to apply night vision to themselves
nv.use.others: Allows sender to apply night vision to others