[15% OFF] ➤ ItemSchematics ✨: Easily create and share custom builds using skulls and items! icon

[15% OFF] ➤ ItemSchematics ✨: Easily create and share custom builds using skulls and items! -----

Make schematics magically appear by placing special skulls and items, with animations and effects!

ItemSchematics is a general-purpose plugin that allows your players to get access to schematics that they can share, sell, buy, exchange, and paste by placing special items and skulls.

Create entity farms that players can buy, strategic towers that can be placed in mini-games, or even sophisticated redstone machinery.


A pop-up tower


A TNT Cannon


A Flying Machine


A Redstone gate

A small house


A stone creeper statue


Preview schematics before you place them


Layer-by-layer construction


Supports rotation and real-time previewing

Item schematic creation GUI


Easily create skulls with different textures


Whatever you can put in a world, you can put in an Item Schematic too!



Create schematics that are bound to special items and can be pasted by placing these items


Ability to place schematics block by block


Play particles and effects on each block place


Different options for how to build schematics. You can go bottom up, top to bottom, circular inwards, outwards, or even spiral!

Optionally construct schematics layer by layer instead of block by block. Very useful for large buildings


Preview the schematic and see how it would look in the real world before placing it.

You can use the plugin with vanilla WorldEdit, FastAsyncWorldEdit, or AsyncWorldEdit, and everything will work out of the box.

Fully works on all versions from 1.8.8 to 1.21


The plugin will respect the following region-protection plugins:
Is your plugin not supported? Feel free to request it through our Discord server!

The plugin is built with backward compatibility in mind. This allows you to take advantage of newer features while also being able to use older schematics


A simple GUI for creating placeable schematics quickly and easily


The plugin comes with 70+ editable messages and many configuration options to tailor the plugin to your desired gameplay experience.

The plugin integrates well with modern Minecraft versions and provides relevant tab completions whenever necessary.


Commands: /isc, /itemschematics
  • /itemschematics create <schematic id> (itemschematics.commands.create): Creates a new skull schematic
  • /itemschematics delete <schematic> (itemschematics.commands.delete): Deletes the specified schematic
  • /itemschematics edit item <schematic> (itemschematics.commands.edit.item): Edits the item of the specified schematic
  • /itemschematics edit pasting blockbyblock <schematic> [interval] (itemschematics.commands.edit.pasting.blockbyblock): Edits the block-by-block settings of the specified schematic
  • /itemschematics edit pasting direction <schematic> <direction> (itemschematics.commands.edit.pastingdirection): Edits the pasting direction of the specified schematic
  • /itemschematics edit pasting effect <schematic> <effect> (itemschematics.commands.edit.pasting.effect): Sets the pasting effect for the given schematic
  • /itemschematics edit pasting instantly <schematic> (itemschematics.commands.edit.pasting.instantly): Sets the specified schematic to paste instantly
  • /itemschematics edit pasting whentoshoweffect <schematic> <when to show effect> (itemschematics.commands.edit.pasting.whentoshoweffect): Sets when the pasting effect for the given schematic should be shown
  • /itemschematics edit permission <schematic> <permission> [default access] (itemschematics.commands.edit.permission): Sets the permission required to paste the given schematic
  • /itemschematics edit schematic <schematic> (itemschematics.commands.edit.schematic): Edits the schematic content of the specified schematic
  • /itemschematics give <player> <schematic> [amount] (itemschematics.commands.give): Gives the specified schematic to the specified player
  • /itemschematics help [page]: Displays the help menu
  • /itemschematics new <schematic id> (itemschematics.commands.create): Starts the process of creating a new item schematic
  • /itemschematics reload (itemschematics.commands.reload): Reloads the plugin
  • /skull <skull> (itemschematics.commands.skull): Creates a skull from the given identifier
For questions, inquiries, bug reports, or suggestions, feel free to jump by our Discord server any time!

Join the Discord server here

ItemSchematics requires WorldEdit or any of its forks such as FastAsyncWorldEdit or AsyncWorldEdit.

To install the plugin:

  1. Download WorldEdit, FastAsyncWorldEdit or AsyncWorldEdit.
  2. Download the JAR from the SpigotMC page
  3. Place the .jar file in the /plugins/ directory
  4. Done! Your plugin is ready to use

Code (YAML):
# Don't touch this! This allows the plugin to make sure you can access
# new additions to the config
: 1

# Should items that have no metadata (display name, lore, enchants, etc.)
# be usable for item schematics
# If this is enabled, then users will be able to create schematics
# for generic blocks. So, if dirt was used, for example, then anyone
# who places dirt will get the schematic.
# This is disabled by default as users may erronously create
# schematics for generic items. Enable it under your
# own risk.
: false

# Should the plugin attempt to fetch skull textures from Mojang's API.
# This may involve sending a remote network request to Mojang servers.
# This is used in the /skull command.
: true

# Should schematics preserve the air blocks when they are pasted?
# If true, any air block that is included in the schematic will
# remove any non-air block when pasting the schematic.
: false

# Integrations with third-party world protection plugins
# If a player attempts to place a schematic and that schematic may
# extend over protected region, they will not be allowed.

  # Should WorldGuard regions be respected?
: true

  # Should GriefPrevention claims be respected?
: true

# Configuration options for the pasting effect particles

  # The size of the ball (dust effect).
  # Default value: 3
: 3

  # The direction of the smoke (smoke effect)
  # Available values: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/block/BlockFace.html#enum-constant-summary
  # Default value: up
: up

  # How many particles should be spawned for every
  # effect.
  # Default value: 1
: 1

# Commands that are optionally added by the plugin. You may
# disable these if they conflict with other plugins.

  # The /skull <identifier> command.
  # The identifier can be:
  #  1. A player name
  #  2. A player UUID
  #  3. A Minecraft texture URL
  #  4. A texture value
  # See https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads/head/85296-forge-dragon-egg which
  # contains an example.
  # To get the above skull, you can run:
  # /skull 2da2bd5bef118310d85e71995d6d18f8f65d9b67d86031fd77ca1d06676a2e0c
  # or:
  # /skull eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dH...
: true

Code (YAML):
# This file uses the MiniMessage format for messages
# Format: https://docs.adventure.kyori.net/minimessage/format.html
# Web UI for previewing: https://webui.adventure.kyori.net/
# Note that this file contains *every* message in the plugin. I
# personally advice you not to waste your valuable time going through
# every single message as this is rather unnecessary. Edit the
# messages you really care about and forget about the rest. :)

# The prefix of the plugin that precedes every message.
# Note that it is possible to disable the prefix by putting
# [noprefix] behind messages.
# (A space at the end is not added by default, we can add it
# ourselves)
: "<gray>[<green>Item</green><aqua>Schematics</aqua>]</gray> "

# Sent to the player when they attempt to create a schematic but do not have
# anything copied with WorldEdit.
: "<red>You must select an area with WorldEdit and run <yellow>//copy</yellow> first.</red>"

# Sent when an invalid schematic is inputted for commands
# Parameters:
# - {schematic_id}: The inputted ID
: "<red>No such schematic: <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow>.</red>"

# Sent when the player attempts to create a schematic with a name
# but a schematic with that name already exists
# Parameters:
# - {schematic_id}: The inputted ID
: "<red>Schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> already exists!</red>"

# Sent when the player attempts to create a schematic with a name
# that is invalid.
# Parameters:
# - {schematic_id}: The inputted ID
: "<red>Invalid ID! The ID must only contain <yellow>A-Z</yellow>, <yellow>a-z</yellow>, <yellow>1-9</yellow>, <yellow>underscores</yellow> and <yellow>hyphens</yellow>.</red>"

# Sent when the user attempts to create a schematic for an item that has no
# unique display name or lore. This would cause any placement of the item
# (for example, anyone who places a diamond block) to paste the schematic
# Note that this will not be sent if you set 'allow-items-without-metadata'
# in the config.yml to true.
: "<red>This item does not have any metadata! This means that if anyone places any <yellow>{item_type}</yellow>, it will turn into a schematic! Consider adding a custom display name or lore. <yellow>Note that you can allow this by setting <aqua>allow-items-without-metadata</aqua> in the <green>config.yml</green> to <aqua>true</aqua>.</yellow></red>"

# Sent when the creation of a new schematic is dismissed.
: "<red>Dismissed the creation of a new schematic.</red>"

# Sent when the plugin is reloaded
: "<green>ItemSchematics has been reloaded successfully!</green>"

# Sent when a schematic is created
: "<green>Schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> has been created successfully!</green>"

# Sent when a schematic is deleted
: "<green>Schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> has been deleted successfully!</green>"

# Sent as a feedback on /itemschematics give <schematic> <player>
: "<green>Given <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> to <yellow>{player}</yellow> successfully.</green>"

# Sent when a player attempts to use a non-placeable block for a skull schematic
: "<red>Item <yellow>{item_type}</yellow> is not a placeable block!</red>"

# Sent when a player attempts
: "<red>You must hold an item to use for the schematic!</red>"

# Sent to the player when an error occurs while pasting a schematic
: "<red>An error occurred while pasting schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow>. Please check the console for errors.</red>"

# Sent when the player edits a schematic's building
: "<green>Schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> has been successfully edited.</green>"

# Sent when the player edits a schematic's item
: "<green>Item of schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> has been edited successfully.</green>"

# Sent when the player attempts to assign a schematic to an item, but a schematic with that item
# already exists.
: "<red>Schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> already uses this item.</red>"

# Sent when an instant schematic is turned into a block-by-block schematic
: "<green>Schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> will be pasted block by block</green>"

# Sent when an instant schematic is turned into a block-by-block schematic
: "<green>Schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> will be pasted block by block with interval <yellow>{interval}</yellow></green>"

# Sent when a schematic is turned into an instant schematic
: "<green>Schematic <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> will be pasted instantly.</green>"

# Sent when the pasting direction is changed for a schematic
: "<green>Changed pasting direction for <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> to <yellow>{pasting_direction}</yellow>.</green>"

# Sent when the pasting effect is changed for a schematic
: "<green>Changed pasting effect for <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> to <yellow>{effect}</yellow>.</green>"

# Sent when the player changes when an effect is shown for a schematic
: "<green>Changed when to show the effect of <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> to <yellow>{when_to_show_effect}</yellow>.</green>"

# Sent when a player attempts to place a schematic that extends over protected region
: "<red>You can't place here. This area is protected!</red>"

# Prompt messages #

# Sent to tell the user to respond with 'cancel' (or any cancel message) if they want to cancel
: "<green>Send <yellow>{cancel_message}</yellow> to cancel the creation process.</green>"

# Sent when the user cancels the prompt
: "<green>Operation cancelled successfully.</green>"

# Sent to tell the user to respond with a whole integer (no decimals)
: "<green>Please respond with an integer.</green>"

# Sent to tell the user that their input has been accepted.
: "<green>Great!</green>"

# Sent to tell the user to respond with a number (decimal or integer)
: "<green>Please respond with a number.</green>"

# Sent in the schematic creation process when the player responds with an invalid
# value for a prompt that expects a number.
: "<red>Invalid number: <yellow>{input}</yellow>. Please input a valid number</red>"

# Sent in the schematic creation process when the player responds with a decimal
# value for a prompt that expects an integer.
: "<red>Expected an integer, not a decimal <yellow>({input})</yellow>.</red>"

# Sent to tell the user to respond with a 'yes' or 'no'
: "<green>Please enter <yellow>yes</yellow> or <yellow>no</yellow>.</green>"

# Sent in the schematic creation process when the player responds with an invalid
# value for a prompt that expects 'yes' or 'no'.
: "<red>Invalid input: <yellow>{input}</yellow>. Expected <yellow>yes</yellow> or <yellow>no</yellow>.</red>"

# Sent in the schematic creation process when the player responds with an invalid
# value for a prompt that expects a certain list of options.
# This message is followed by the list of available options
: "<red>Invalid option: <yellow>{input}</yellow>. Allowed values:</red>"

# Sent to list the available options. See above.
: "<gray>- <green><click:suggest_command:'{option_name}'>{option_name}</click>"

# Sent to tell the user about the available options
: "<green>Please type any of these options, or click on it to copy it to your chat box:</green>"

# Sent when a prompt expects "ok" or "cancel", but receives something else
: "<red>Expected <yellow>{feedback}</yellow> or <yellow>cancel</yellow>, but found <yellow>{input}</yellow>.</red>"

# Sent to tell the user to send the feedback when they are ready
: "<yellow>Send <green>{feedback}</green> when ready.</yellow>"

# Prompts the user to hold the schematic in their main hand
: "<yellow>Please hold the item/skull you want to use for this schematic.</yellow>"

# Prompts the user to select a region with WorldEdit
: "<yellow>Please copy an area with WorldEdit using <green>//copy</green>, or load a schematic using <green>//schem load</green>.</yellow>"

# Asks the user to specify the permission
: "<yellow>Please type out the permission node</yellow>"

# Asks the user who can access it by default
: "<yellow>Who should be able to access it by default?</yellow>"

# Sends feedback to the user that the permission has changed.
: "<green>Changed permission for <yellow>{schematic_id}</yellow> to <yellow>{permission}</yellow> that is accessible by <yellow>{access}</yellow>.</green>"


By purchasing and/or using ItemSchematics, you agree to the following:
  • It is your responsibility to periodically review these Terms of Service to stay informed of updates.
  • No part of the plugin's source code/bytecode may be copied, modified in any way, deobfuscated, changed, reproduced, aggregated, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly or privately displayed, encoded, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose whatsoever without Revxrsal's prior written permission.
  • You may OR may not get a refund after purchasing the resource.
  • I am irresponsible for any damage this resource may inflict on you or your services.
  • You receive the resource AS IS. You shall not expect any updates, new features or bug fixes other than what is currently available. These are a personal investment of mine, and I am not obliged to do any of them.
  • The content and features provided within all plugin are “AS IS” for use on a single server (a single purchase is valid for a single server or network of servers within the same general area).
Tributes to flaticon for the 2D graphics used throughout this thread!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 49
First Release: Apr 17, 2024
Last Update: Dec 14, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings