✅  TempFly - Give players fly time [75% SALE] icon

✅ TempFly - Give players fly time [75% SALE] -----

Players can fly temporally | Shop for Flytime/Statistic


SkyFly Plugin is a revolutionary tool for Minecraft servers that takes game world exploration to a whole new level by enabling flying! This innovative plugin allows players to purchase the ability to fly using virtual in-game currency.

**Key Features of SkyFly Plugin:**​

1. **Free Flight:**
- Every player can enjoy the freedom of flying through the game world without limitations related to terrain or obstacles. It’s the perfect way to discover mysterious locations, build impressive structures from a bird’s-eye view, and reach previously inaccessible vantage points.

2. **Intuitive User Interface:**
- A simple and user-friendly interface allows for easy purchase of flight time. Players can choose from various options available in the plugin menu, making it flexible and adaptable to their needs and preferences.

3. **Balanced Economy:**
- Flight prices are adjusted to the server’s economy, ensuring balanced gameplay and fair conditions for all players. This makes flying attainable while also encouraging engagement in the server’s economy.

4. **Encouraging Player Activity:**
- SkyFly Plugin serves as an excellent incentive for active participation in server life. Players can earn virtual currency through various activities, motivating them to engage in different aspects of the game.

5. **New Level of Entertainment:**
- Adding the ability to fly significantly enhances the level of entertainment on the server. Players can embark on new adventures and experience the game in ways that were not possible before.

6. **Bossbar with Flight Time Counter:**
- The plugin features a bossbar displaying the remaining flight time. This gives players full control over their flight duration and allows them to plan their activities while flying.

7. **Money Earned Counter:**
- SkyFly Plugin also includes a counter for money earned, allowing players to track their progress and earnings in virtual currency in real-time. This adds an extra motivational element for participating in the server economy.

8. **100% Customizable:**
- The plugin is fully customizable, allowing administrators to adjust all aspects to meet the specific needs and preferences of their server. You can easily modify settings related to flight pricing, flight duration, and many other options.

9. **Multilingual Support:**
- SkyFly Plugin is translated into several languages, making it easy to cater to an international player base.

10. **Ideal for Various Server Types:**
- The plugin is perfect for freebuild, survival, skyblock, factions, and many other types of servers. Its versatility makes it suitable for diverse gameplay styles and server communities.

11. **Detailed Statistics:**
- The plugin includes detailed statistics for up to 50 players, showing the amount of money deposited and the most recent deposit made. These comprehensive statistics help track player activity and engagement in the server’s economy.​

SkyFly Plugin is not just a way to increase your server’s attractiveness but also a tool that stimulates the game economy and supports community engagement. Discover new horizons and let your community experience Minecraft from an entirely new perspective with SkyFly Plugin!
/skyfly - open menu with pay for fly
/skyfly reload - reload config file

Permissions: tempfly.fly - for admins or your staff players plugin don't remove fly for player with that permissions

How to install?
You need only Vault plugin to economy and install my plugin is very simple download and only put in yours PLUGINS folder!



##You can choose world soon
world: "world"
bossbar-name: "&6&lFLYING:&2 ✓ &a&lENABLED &f"
inventory-name: "&6&lFly Collection"
fly-info: "&6&lCOLLECTION FOR FLY"
fly-info-collect: "&fCollect "
fly-info-need: "&aNeed to collect 100000$"
fly-info-1: "&fWhen we collect&a 100000$"
fly-info-2: "&efly be active for everyone!"
fly-info-message: "&aIf you wanna pay for fly click items on right, you can pay for FLY FOR EVERYONE!"
pay-desc: "&fClick right to pay for fly!"
pay-1: "§6§lPay &a1000&2&l$"
pay-2: "§6§lPay &a5000&2&l$"
pay-3: "§6§lPay &a10000&2&l$"
pay-4: "§6§lPay &a100000&2&l$"
ammount-1: 1000
ammount-2: 5000
ammount-3: 10000
## ammount-4 must be the same like need-money-for-fly
ammount-4: 100000
need-money-for-fly: 100000
fly-time-in-seconds: 1800
fly-active: "&cYou have to wait, the fundraiser flight is currently in progress, only after completing the flight you can donate dollars!"
broadcast-fly-1: "&a&lNOW FLY IS ACTIVE FOR EVERYONE!"
broadcast-fly-2: "&fI you wanna fly use two times &e&lSPACE!"
broadcast-fly-3: "&fFLY IS &a&lACTIVE &ffor 30 minutes!"
fly-broadcast-end: "&c&lFLY FOR EVERYONE END IN 60 SECONDS"
i-pay: "&aThank you for paying for collection fly for &feveryone!"
no-money: "&cYou don't have enough money to pay for fly'"
item-no-money: "&c&lYOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY"
item-no-money-lore: "&fYou can't pay for fly, get some money"
last-pay: " &aplayer do last pay for &6&lFLY FOR EVERYONE!"
balance: "&fCurrent status of the collection &a"

Translated configs:

Polish: https://pastebin.com/UPExisSH

Germany: https://pastebin.com/2LQ3GVeg

Chinsee: https://pastebin.com/BFkzDEHS

Turkey: https://pastebin.com/0yWgjUue

Portuguese: https://pastebin.com/Ld5PFcYz

Russian: https://pastebin.com/9bk707rB

French: https://pastebin.com/9bk707rB

Brazil: https://pastebin.com/UfdL7DZp

View attachment 831477

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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 59
First Release: Apr 13, 2024
Last Update: Feb 5, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings