Commands: - /v++ - Get plugin help
- /v++ reload - Reload the plugin config
- /v++ version - Get plugin version
- /v++ commands - Get command help
- /v - Toggle vanish on and off
- /v <player> - Toggle vanish on and off for a player
- /tpo <player>/<location> - Force teleport to a location or player
- /tpohere <player> - Teleport a player to you
Permissions: - vanish++.vanish - /v
- vanish++.vanish_others - /v <player>
- vanish++.see_others - See other players in vanish
- vanish++.notify - Get notified when someone enables/disables vanish
- vanish++.v++ - /v++
- vanish++.tpo - /tpo
- vanish++.tpo_location - /tpo <location>
- vanish++.tpohere - /tpohere
# Webhook URL for Discord notifications. webhook_url: ""
# Message sent when vanish is disabled. (You can also fake leave messages in discord with this!) vanish_off_webhook:
enabled: true
description: "{player} **disabled** vanish !" embed: true
title: "Vanish Disabled" color: "#FF5555"
# Message sent when vanish is enabled. (You can also fake leave messages in discord with this!) vanish_on_webhook:
enabled: true
description: "{player} **enabled** vanish !" embed: true
title: "Vanish Enabled" color: "#55FF55"
# Message sent when vanish is disabled by another person. (You can also fake leave messages in discord with this!) vanish_off_other_webhook:
enabled: true
description: "{command_sender} **disabled** vanish for {player} !" embed: true
title: "Vanish Disabled" color: "#FF5555"
# Message sent when vanish is enabled by another person. (You can also fake leave messages in discord with this!) vanish_on_other_webhook:
enabled: true
description: "{command_sender} **enabled** vanish for {player} !" embed: true
title: "Vanish Enabled" color: "#55FF55"
# Error message when a player is not found. player_not_found: "&c&lVanish++ &8» &8» &cPlayer not found."
# Message sent to player when the config is reloaded. reload_message: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7Config reloaded successfully."
# Message sent when a command is used wrong. invalid_usage: "&c&lVanish++ &8» &cInvalid usage: {usage}"
# Message sent to player when the config failed to reload. fail_reload: "&c&lVanish++ &8» &7Failed to reload config."
# Message displaying the plugin version. version_message: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7You are running &aVanish++ v{version}&7!"
# Error message when a player lacks permission to execute a command. no_permission: "&c&lVanish++ &8» &8» &cYou do not have permission to use this command."
# Message when you enabled vanish. vanish_message_on: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7You now have &aVanish &a&lEnabled&7!"
# Message when a player enabled vanish and you have the vanish++.notify permission. enabled_vanish: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &a{player} &7has &a&lEnabled &7vanish!"
# Message when you disabled vanish. vanish_message_off: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7You now have &aVanish &c&lDisabled&7!"
# Message when a player disabled vanish and you have the vanish++.notify permission. disabled_vanish: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &a{player} &7has &c&lDisabled &7vanish!"
# Message when you enabled vanish for someone else. vanish_other_message_on: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7You &a&lEnabled &aVanish &7for &a{player}&7!"
# Message when you disabled vanish for someone else. vanish_other_message_off: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7You &c&lDisabled &aVanish &7for &a{player}&7!"
# Message sent when someone else vanished you. vanished_by_other_on: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7You have been vanished by &a{player}&7!"
# Message sent when someone else unvanished you. vanished_by_other_off: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7You have been unvanished by &a{player}&7!"
# Message sent to players with the vanish++.notify permission when someone joins while being vanished vanish_join: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &a{player} &7joined while being &aVanished&7!"
# Message sent to players with the vanish++.notify permission when someone leaves while being vanished vanish_leave: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &a{player} &7left while being &aVanished&7!"
# Message sent when trying to break a block while in vanish. cannot_break: "&c&lVanish++ &8» &cYou cannot break that block while in Vanish."
# Message sent when trying to damage an entity while in vanish. cannot_damage: "&c&lVanish++ &8» &cYou cannot damage an entity while in Vanish."
# Message sent when trying to place a block while in vanish. cannot_place: "&c&lVanish++ &8» &cYou cannot place that block while in Vanish."
# Message sent when trying to tpo while not being vanished cannot_tpo: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &7You can only tpo when in &avanish&7!" enable_vanish: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &a{player} &7 has just enabled &avanish&7!" disable_vanish: "&a&lVanish++ &8» &a{player} &7 has just disabled &avanish&7!"
# Should all players get a message when a vanished player leaves? leave_while_vanished_message:
enabled: false
message: "&e{player} left the game"
# Should all players get a message when a vanished player joins? join_while_vanished_message:
enabled: false
message: "&e{player} joined the game"
# Message sent to all players when a player enables vanish. fake_leave_message:
enabled: true
message: "&e{player} left the game"
# Message sent to all players when a player disables vanish. fake_join_message:
enabled: true
message: "&e{player} joined the game"
# DO NOT CHANGE THIS version: "1.0.0"
%V++_vanished% - Returns true or false if the player is vanished
%V++_prefix% - Returns the prefix set in the config for vanished players
Loving Vanish++? Show support in the review section