PlayerPortals+ icon

PlayerPortals+ -----

Portable linked portals for players

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Ever needed an easy, yet powerful way for transportation in the same world (or between)?

This plugin allows players to create linked portals just with a few clicks with use of the Portal Frame item that can be attained from the commands.

  • Spigot 1.16+
Get a portal item with the /pp give command. Then simply click on blocks to create two linked portals. Now when you enter the portal it will teleport to another one. You can also destroy portal blocks to retrieve portal frame/hopper to be used again.

It's a distinctive alternative to having multiple homes with commands.

You can also set name of the portal with /pp setname, which will be displayed on the item which is used to place the portals.

In order for hopper portals to teleport you, you'll have to press sneak, while frame portals instantly teleport you but can be destroyed by physics or explosions.

To destroy portals on both sides hold sneak while destroying the portal.


Travel through linked portals:

Also with hopper portal type:

Place and replace portals:

/pp <subcommand>
  • help
  • - This command will show help message.
    • Permission →
  • give <player> <type>
  • - This command will give the specified player the portal item (gives: Portal Hopper or Portal Frame).
    • Permission → playerportals.command.give
  • setname <name>
  • - This command will set name for the portal item in hand.
    • Permission → playerportals.command.setname
  • setheight <height>
  • - This command will set height for the portal item in hand. It is only available for the frame portal type.
    • Permission → playerportals.command.setheight
I found a bug! How do I get it fixed?
Please file this issue on either Discord, or post it on the discussion page.

I want a new feature!
Please file this issue on either Discord, or post it on the discussion page. The feature might not be aligned with the goals of the plugin, so it might be made into another plugin.


Usage Statistics:


(c) 2023-2024 Strom-Software. All rights reserved.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 324
First Release: Apr 8, 2024
Last Update: Nov 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
4 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings