Wanna a date system in your Minecraft server world? Great, with EasyDate it's easy to do!
EasyDate has configurable date which increments when, in game, comes midnight (at tick 18000).
Works with View attachment 823577 PLACEHOLDERAPI REQUIRED This plugin needs PlaceholderAPI installed! Please check if you installed it before you install EasyDate!
PLACEHOLDERS For date showing, you can use different placeholders installed in EasyDate
FORMATTED DATES - %easydate_eu_formatted_date% (Format: dd/mm/YYYY) - %easydate_us_formatted_date% (Format: mm/dd/YYYY) - %easydate_it_eu_show_date% (Format: dayName dd monthName YYYY, dayName and monthName in ITALIAN) - %easydate_it_eu_show_date% (Format: dayName dd monthName YYYY, dayName and monthName inENGLISH US & UK)
INSTRUCTIONS EasyDate has a command with different options:
/easydate set <day> <month> <year> [<day name>] - Set manually your start date. /easydate currentdate - Gives you information about the current date (US and EU formats) /easydate configreload - Reloads the config [STILL DOESN'T WORK FOR NOW!!!!]
EXAMPLES AND SCREENSHOTS US Format with EssentialsX World Time 24h
FOR ISSUES AND IDEAS This is the first version of EasyDate, so if you encounter some issues or you want to suggest some ideas, please comment here on Spigot!