Info Commands: - /rankedplay - Get plugin help
- /rankedplay commands - Get command help
- /rankedplay reload - Reload the config
- /rankedplay version - Get plugin version
Player Commands: - /duel queue - Fight against a random opponent
- /duel leavequeue - Leave the current duel queue
- /duel invite <player> - Duel a specific player
- /duel accept <player> - Accept a duel invite
- /duel deny <player> - Deny a duel invite
- /duel cancel <player> - Cancel a duel invite
- /duel ignore <player> - Ignore a player
- /duel unignore <player> - Unignore a player
- /duel ignorelist - View your duel ignore list
- /duel help - get duel help
- /duel toggle - Enable or disable duel requests
- /queue - Fight against a random opponent
- /leavequeue - Leave the current duel queue
- /ranks - View all available ranks
- /titles - Select your title
- /activateboost - Activate a 2x Boost token
- /stats - View the statistics of a player
Admin Commands: - /addboost <player> <integer> - Give a player boost tokens
- /addsp <player> <integer> - Give a player SP
- /removeboost <player> <integer> - Remove boost tokens from a player
- /removesp <player> <integer> - Remove SP from a player
- /setboost <player> <integer> - Set an amount of boost tokens for a player
- /setsp <player> <integer> - Set an amount of SP for a player
- /settitle <player> <string> - Set a title for a player
# Determines whether boost tokens are enabled. enable_boosts: true
# Number of uses for 1 boost token. amount_boost: 3
# Skill points earned for each normal kill. kill_amount:
max: 10
min: 5
# Skill points lost for each normal death. killed_amount:
max: 9
min: 4
# Skill points earned for each duel win. win_amount:
max: 50
min: 20
# Skill points lost for each duel loss. loss_amount:
max: 40
min: 20
# Should players get demotion protection for the first rank? demotion_protection:
enabled: true
# The max amount of SP they can have while being protected from losing SP max_protection: 300
# The percentage change of a player receiving a boost token upon achieving a normal kill. boost_kill_chance: 10
# The percentage change of a player receiving a boost token upon winning a duel. boost_win_chance: 15
# The maximum skill point difference allowed for matchmaking; any difference beyond this threshold will prevent matchmaking between players. max_skill_diff: 3000
# The maximum duration of a duel in minutes. max_duel_duration: 40
# Time in seconds to accept a duel invitation. accept_time: 60
# Use Skill-Based Matchmaking for invites. use_sbmm_for_invite: true
# Points rewarded for win streaks in SBMM (Skill-Based Matchmaking); this will not affect the player's rank and will only be used for matchmaking. win_streak_points_sbmm: 100
# Points deducted for losing streaks in SBMM (Skill-Based Matchmaking); this will not affect the player's rank and will only be used for matchmaking. lose_streak_points_sbmm: 50
# How often should announcements be made for consecutive losses? lose_str_announcement:
enabled: false
send_everyone: true
# Number of consecutive losses before announcement. amount: 5
message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7{player} &7is on a &b{streak} Lose Streak&7!"
# How often should announcements be made for consecutive wins? win_str_announcement:
enabled: true
send_everyone: true
# Number of consecutive losses before announcement. amount: 5
message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &b{player} &7is on a &b{streak} Win Streak&7!"
# Commands executed on the start of a duel. commands_player1:
enabled: false
list: -
"tp {player} 0 0 0" -
"kit load {player}"
# Commands executed on the start of a duel. commands_player2:
enabled: false
list: -
"tp {player} 0 0 0" -
"kit load {player}"
# Teleport on the start of a duel. rtp:
enabled: true
distance_between_players: 3
use_all_worlds: true
rtp_max: 10000
rtp_min: 5000
# Teleport a player to 1 of these locations arena_teleportation:
enabled: false
distance_between_players: 3
direction: "x" list_of_locations: -
"0 0 0" -
"1 1 1" -
"2 2 2" -
"3 3 3" -
"4 4 4" -
"5 5 5" -
"6 6 6" -
"7 7 7" -
"8 8 8" -
"9 9 9"
# Commands executed at the end of a duel. end_commands_winner:
enabled: true
list: -
"spawn {player}"
# Commands executed at the end of a duel. end_commands_loser:
enabled: true
list: -
"spawn {player}"
# The default title given to everyone. default_title: "&7{won} battles won so far..."
# The number of sections in each rank (Copper I, Copper II, Copper III, ...). Max = 10. sections: 3
# The amount of rows in the /ranks gui. gui_rows: 3
# The name of the /ranks gui. gui_name: "§8§lRANKS MENU"
# Should RankedPLay fill empty GUI slots? fill_empty_gui_slots:
enabled: true
name: "&a" lore:
# The lowest rank; everyone starts with this rank. rank_1: "Copper" rank_1_color: "#B87333" rank_1_short: "C" # Points required to be promoted to rank 2. rank_1_max: "900" # The settings of the rank in the /ranks GUI rank_1_gui:
slot: 10
name: "{rank}" lore:
- "&7Rank: {rank
}" - "" - "&7Max SP in this rank
: {color
# The rank after rank_1. rank_2: "Iron
" rank_2_color: "#F2F2F2" rank_2_short: "I" # Points required to be promoted to rank 3. (Cannot be lower than the previous required points). rank_2_max: "2100" # The settings of the rank in the /ranks GUI rank_2_gui:
slot: 11
name: "{rank}" lore:
- "&7Rank: {rank
}" - "" - "&7Max SP in this rank
: {color
# The rank after rank_2. rank_3: "Gold
" rank_3_color: "#FFD700" rank_3_short: "G" # Points required to be promoted to rank 4. (Cannot be lower than the previous required points). rank_3_max: "3600" # The settings of the rank in the /ranks GUI rank_3_gui:
slot: 12
name: "{rank}" lore:
- "&7Rank: {rank
}" - "" - "&7Max SP in this rank
: {color
# The rank after rank_3. rank_4: "Prismarine
" rank_4_color: "#127372" rank_4_short: "P" # Points required to be promoted to rank 5. (Cannot be lower than the previous required points). rank_4_max: "5400" # The settings of the rank in the /ranks GUI rank_4_gui:
slot: 13
name: "{rank}" lore:
- "&7Rank: {rank
}" - "" - "&7Max SP in this rank
: {color
# The rank after rank_4. rank_5: "Diamond
" rank_5_color: "#44D8E2" rank_5_short: "D" # Points required to be promoted to rank 6. (Cannot be lower than the previous required points). rank_5_max: "7500" # The settings of the rank in the /ranks GUI rank_5_gui:
slot: 14
name: "{rank}" lore:
- "&7Rank: {rank
}" - "" - "&7Max SP in this rank
: {color
# The rank after rank_5. rank_6: "Nether
" rank_6_color: "#8B0000" rank_6_short: "N" # Points required to be promoted to rank 7. (Cannot be lower than the previous required points). rank_6_max: "10000" # The settings of the rank in the /ranks GUI rank_6_gui:
slot: 15
name: "{rank}" lore:
- "&7Rank: {rank
}" - "" - "&7Max SP in this rank
: {color
rank_7: "Amethyst
" rank_7_color: "#9966CC" rank_7_short: "A" rank_7_max: "99999999"# Put a high number if this is your last rank. rank_7_gui:
slot: 16
name: "{rank}" lore:
- "&7Rank: {rank
}" - "" - "&7Max SP in this rank
: {color
# IMPORTANT: To add a rank, copy the above template and change the number (7) to a higher number (8). Ensure no numbers are skipped. # The maximum number of ranks is 10. # Make sure there are no duplicate rank_short Strings.
# Webhook URL for Discord notifications. webhook_url: "
# The message sent when a player is promoted. promote_webhook: enabled: true description: "{player
} is promoted to **
}** !
" embed: true title: "{player
} is promoted!
" color: "#55FFFF"
# The message sent when a player is demoted. demote_webhook:
enabled: true
description: "{player} is demoted to **{rank}** !" embed: true
title: "{player} is demoted!" color: "#FF5555"
# The message sent when a duel ends. duel_webhook:
enabled: true
description: "**{winner}** won a duel against **{loser}** !" embed: true
title: "Duel Ended!" color: "#55FF55"
# IMPORTANT: PlaceholderAPI and hex colors are enabled on all messages.
# The color for player 1. player_1_color: "�FF"
# The color for player 2. player_2_color: "&#FF0000"
# Titles sent when a duel starts. title:
enabled: true
# The first title sent to both players when the duel is about to start. {player} = player 1 title_1: "{color}{player} &f(&r{rank}&f)" # The second title sent to both players when the duel is about to start. between_title: "&bVS" # The third title sent to both players when the duel is about to start. {player} = player 2 title_2: "{color}{player} &f(&r{rank}&f)" # The last title sent to both players when the duel is about to start. end_title: "&bGO!"
# Message displayed when a duel starts. duel_start: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &r{color1}{player1} &bvs &r{color2}{player2}"
# Message sent when a player ranks up. promote_message:
enabled: true
messages: -
"&8===================================" -
"&b&lPROMOTED" - "&7New Rank: {rank
}" - "&8===================================
# Message sent when a player ranks down. demote_message: enabled: true messages: - "&8===================================
" - "&c&lDEMOTED
" - "&7New Rank
: {rank
}" - "&8===================================
# Message sent when a duel ends and there's a winner. end_message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7
} &7has won the battle!
# Message sent when a player loses and remains in the same rank. lose_no_sp: "&cNo SP lost because you are still in
# Message sent when a player loses SP in a battle. lose_sp: "&7You lost §b
} SP §7from this battle!
# Message sent when a player wins and has a boost token active. win_boost_sp: "&7You gained &d
} SP &7from this battle because your boost token is active!
# Message sent when a player wins a battle. win_sp: "&7You gained &b
} SP &7from this battle!
# Message sent when a player sets their title. title_set: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Title set to
: &r{value}"
# Message when a player tries to activate a boost while already having one active. boost_already_active: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You already have a boost &bactive&7!"
# Message when a player tries to activate a boost but has none. no_boost: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You don't have any &dboosts&7!"
# Message when a player successfully activates a boost. boost_activated: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &d2x SP &7Boost Activated."
# Message when boosts are added to a player. add_boost: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully added the boost(s)."
# Message when SP is added to a player. add_sp: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully added the SP."
# Message when boosts are removed from a player. remove_boost: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully removed the boost(s)."
# Message when SP is removed from a player. remove_sp: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully removed the SP."
# Message when a boost amount is set for a player. set_boost: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully set the boost(s)."
# Message when an SP amount is set for a player. set_sp: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully set the SP."
# Message when a title is set for a player. set_title: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully set the title."
# Error message when the player data file is not found. file_not_found: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cPlayer file not found."
# Error message when a player is not found. player_not_found: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cPlayer not found."
# Message when a player is already ignoring another player. already_ignored: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou are already ignoring that player."
# Message when a player successfully ignores another player. successfully_ignored: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You are now ignoring &b{player}&7."
# Message when the target player is not online. not_online: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cPlayer is not online."
# Message when there's already a duel invite pending. invite_pending: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7There is already an invite pending."
# Message when a duel invite is sent to a player. invite_incoming: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &b{player} &f(&r{rank}&f) &7has invited you for a duel! Type &b/duel accept {player} &7to accept the duel."
# Message when a duel invite times out. invite_timeout: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cDuel invite from {player} has timed out."
# Message when a duel invite times out for the sender. invite_timeout_sender: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYour duel invite for {player} has timed out."
# Message when a duel invite is sent successfully. invite_sent: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You successfully sent an invite to &b{player} &f(&r{rank}&f)&7!"
# Message when a player has no pending invite from another player. no_invite: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou don't have a pending invite from that player."
# Error message when a player tries to invite themselves to a duel. cannot_invite_yourself: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou cannot invite yourself!"
# Error message when a player tries to ignore themselves. cannot_ignore_yourself: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou cannot ignore yourself!"
# Message when a player is not ignoring another player. not_ignoring: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou are not ignoring that player."
# Message when a player successfully unignores another player. successfully_unignored: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You successfully unignored &b{player}&7."
# Message when a player attempts to invite someone who has ignored them. invite_ignored: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou cannot invite {player} &cas they have ignored you."
# Error message for providing an invalid integer amount. invalid_int: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cInvalid amount, please enter an integer."
# Error message for an issue with teleportation. tp_error: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cAn error occurred while teleporting."
# Error message when a player lacks permission to execute a command. no_permission: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou do not have permission to use this command."
# Message when a player is not ignoring anyone. no_ignored_players: "§&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You are not ignoring anyone."
# Message when duels are disabled for the inviting player. duels_disabled: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou cannot invite {player} &cas they have duels disabled."
# Error message when the skill difference between players is too high for matchmaking. skill_difference_to_high: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cThe skill difference between you and that player is too high!"
# Message when a player toggles their duel invite status. toggle_duel: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You now have duel invites &b{status}&7."
# Message when a player tries to queue while already in a queue. already_queue: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You are already in a queue! Type §b/leavequeue§7, to leave the queue!"
# Message when a player tries to queue for a duel while already in a duel. already_duel: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You are already in a duel!"
# Message when a player successfully joins the queue. queue_success: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully added to queue."
# Message when a player successfully leaves the queue. leave_queue: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Successfully left the queue."
# Message when a player tries to leave a queue when they are not in one. not_in_queue: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You are not in a queue."
# Message when a duel ends in a tie. duel_time: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7The time is up! No one won."
# Placeholder for when a player is not in a duel. not_in_duel: "N/A"
# Prefix for ignored player names in the list. ignore_list_prefix: "&7- "
# Message when a sent duel invite is cancelled. invite_cancelled: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou successfully removed the invite."
# Error message when attempting to cancel a not existing invite. cannot_cancel_other_invite: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou have no outgoing invite to that player."
# Error message when attempting to deny a not existing invite. cannot_deny_other_invite: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &cYou have no incoming invite from that player."
# Help message for duel commands. duel_help: -
"" -
"&b&lRankedPlay &8» &b&lDUELS" -
"&7- &b/duel queue &7Fight against a random opponent." -
"&7- &b/duel leavequeue &7Leave the current duel queue." -
"&7- &b/duel invite <player> &7Duel a specific player." -
"&7- &b/duel accept <player> &7Accept a duel invite." -
"&7- &b/duel deny <player> &7Deny a duel invite." -
"&7- &b/duel cancel <player> &7Cancel a duel invite." -
"&7- &b/duel ignore <player> &7Ignore a player." -
"&7- &b/duel unignore <player> &7Unignore a player." -
"&7- &b/duel ignorelist &7View your duel ignore list." -
"&7- &b/duel toggle &7Enable or disable duel requests." -
# Message sent to player when the config is reloaded. reload_message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7Config reloaded successfully."
# Message sent to player when the config failed to reload. fail_reload: "&c&lRankedPlay &8» &7Failed to reload config."
# Message displaying the plugin version. version_message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You are running &bRankedPlay v{version}&7!"
# The message sent to the player when they kill someone. kill:
enabled: true
message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You killed &b{player} &7and earned &b{amount} SP&7."
# The message sent to the player when they kill someone and have a boost token active. kill_boost:
enabled: true
message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You killed &b{player} &7and earned &d{amount} &dSP&7. Because your &dboost token &bis active."
# The message sent to the player when killed while in the lowest rank. killed_no_loss:
enabled: true
message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You got killed by &b{killer}&7, but you are still in &r{rank} &7so you didn't lose anything!"
# The message sent to the player when killed. killed:
enabled: true
message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &7You got killed by {killer} and lost &b{amount} SP&7."
# The message sent to the player when their boost token breaks. boost_broke:
enabled: true
message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &dYour boost token broke!"
# The message sent to the player when they receive a boost token! boost_receive:
enabled: true
message: "&b&lRankedPlay &8» &dYou received a boost token!"
# Name of the inventory. inv_name: "§8§lCHOOSE YOUR TITLE"
# Amount of rows for the inventory. inv_rows: 4
# Should RankedPlay fill empty gui slots? fill_empty_slots:
enabled: true
name: " " lore:
# GUI info slots: # Slot number 9:
name: "&8&lDEFAULT" lore:
- "&7 Title: &7{won} battles won so far
..." - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&7
} battles won so far
..." 10: material: DIAMOND name: "{rank_color
" lore: - "&7 Title
: &r{rank_color}A{rank_name
} Professional
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "{rank_color
} Professional
" 11: material: EMERALD name: "&
#50C878&lVILLAGE ROBBER" lore:
- "&7 Title: 2C878Village Robber
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#50C878Village Robber" 12:
name: "e1dfb&lOBSIDIAN OVERLORD" lore:
- "&7 Title: e1dfbObsidian Overlord
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#7e1dfbObsidian Overlord" 13:
name: "񌜫&lWITHER WARRIOR" lore:
- "&7 Title: 񌜫Wither Warrior
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#3a322dWither Warrior" 14:
material: LEATHER
name: "𗴤b&lCOW CRUSHER" lore:
- "&7 Title: 𗴤bCow Crusher
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#97572bCow Crusher" 15:
material: FEATHER
name: "&f&lCHICKEN CHASER" lore:
- "&7 Title: &fChicken Chaser
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&fChicken Chaser
" 16: material: PORKCHOP name: "&
#E7A074&lHOGLIN HUNTER" lore:
- "&7 Title: &#E7A074Hoglin Hunter
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#E7A074Hoglin Hunter" 17:
material: GLOW_INK_SAC
name: "Pfebf&lSQUID SLAYER" lore:
- "&7 Title: PfebfSquid Slayer
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#80febfSquid Slayer" 18:
material: SEAGRASS
name: ".bc49&lTURTLE TACTICIAN" lore:
- "&7 Title: .bc49Turtle Tactician
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#46bc49Turtle Tactician" 19:
material: GOAT_HORN
name: "&#dad4c1&lGOAT GLADIATOR" lore:
- "&7 Title: &#dad4c1Goat Gladiator
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#dad4c1Goat Gladiator" 20:
material: COD
name: "Pfebf&lCAT CATCHER" lore:
- "&7 Title: PfebfCat Catcher
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#80febfCat Catcher" 21:
material: NETHER_WART
name: "&#ac2020&lNETHER CONQUEROR" lore:
- "&7 Title: &#ac2020Nether Conqueror
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#ac2020Nether Conqueror" 22:
material: IRON_NUGGET
name: "&#cbcdcd&lIRON KNIGHT" lore:
- "&7 Title: &#cbcdcdIron Knight
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#cbcdcdIron Knight" 23:
material: SHIELD
name: "&#AD716D&lARMADILLO AVENGER" lore:
- "&7 Title: &#AD716DArmadillo Avenger
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#AD716DArmadillo Avenger" 24:
material: ECHO_SHARD
name: "ⷷD&lWARDEN WARIOR" lore:
- "&7 Title: ⷷDWarden Warrior
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#11767DWarden Warrior" 25:
material: STRING
name: "&#BF0606&lSPIDER CRUSHER" lore:
- "&7 Title: &#BF0606Spider Crusher
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#BF0606Spider Crusher" 26:
material: WATER_BUCKET
name: "cC68E&lFROG COLLECTOR" lore:
- "&7 Title: cC68EFrog Collector
" - "" - "{&a✔ Title Selected/&cX Title Not Selected
}" value: "&
#99C68EFrog Collector"
#======================================================================================================================= # Config for future updates will go below here #=======================================================================================================================
%RP_rank_name% - Get the rank name
%RP_rank_color% - Get the rank color
%RP_rank_short% - Get the short form of the rank
%RP_rank_full% - Get the full rank with color
%RP_sp% - Get the amount of SP
%RP_boost_amount% - Get the amount of boost tokens
%RP_boost% - Get if a player is boosting or not (true or false)
%RP_time_left% - Get the time left in a duel
%RP_win% - Get the amount of wins
%RP_lose% - Get the amount of loses
%RP_win_str% - Get current win streak
%RP_lose_str% - Get current lose streak
%RP_title% - Get the title
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