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RSwitch -----

✨ A better server switch command for Velocity. (And also /hub with player balancing)

Planned: BungeeCord Support (I have to literally recode the plugin for bungeecord, thats why is taking a lot)

# RSwitch

A better server command for Velocity.

With MASwitch you can do the following:
- Allow only switching certain servers (with permissions).
- Add blocked servers.
- Lobby command with player balancing.

## What are blocked servers?

If a server is added to the blocked servers list, then is impossible to access it or access any server from it by using RSwitch. You can enable a permission (disabled by default) to allow bypassing blocked servers list.

## What is player balancing?

Player balancing allows you to fill the lobbies progressively also still appearing your lobbies are not empty.
It works with 1 value: the start balance. While naturally the plugin will try to fill lobbies and will not stop sending to one server until that one is full, with player balancing it will do that until the start balance is reached, and the plugin will start sending to the lobby with less players online.
## Permissions

| Permission | Description |
| -------- | -------- |
| rswitch.server.[server] | Allow switching to a server. (`/switch` or `/server`) |
| rswitch.admin | Allow using the command `/rswitch about` and `/rswitch reload` |
| rswitch.bypass | Allow bypassing the blocked servers list. |

## Commands

| Command | Description | Aliases |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| /switch [server] | Used in order to switch your server. | /server [server] |
| /rswitch about | Display plugin information like version and authors. | none |
| /rswitch reload | Reload the config file. | none |
| /lobby | Sends player to the lobby | /hub

### Formatting messages

The plugin uses MiniMessage, but you can still use legacy format.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 48
First Release: Apr 1, 2024
Last Update: Apr 11, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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