This is a plugin for create build dynamic.
- Use `/buildmode` to toggle build mode for yourself
- take a wooden shovel and right click for set origine point (north-west down corner)
- take a wooden hoe and right click for set firt point and left click for set second point (same worldEdit)
- use `/addbuild <name> <frameTick> <airReplace>` to add a build
- repeat step 3 and 6 for add more build
- use `/addbuild <name>` to add build to existing build
- use `/activatebuild <name> <true/false>` to activate or deactivate a build
- use `/settickinterval <name> <frameTick>` to set the frame tick interval for a build
Easy to use
Multi-version support
Multi-language support
Upcoming features
- Add more commands
- Add more permissions
- Add more configuration options
- Add more languages
- Add gui support
- Add more features
/buildmode - Toggles build mode
<player> - Toggles build mode for a player
<name> <frameTick> <airReplace> - Adds a build
<name> - Adds build to existing build
<name> - Removes a build
/listbuilds - Lists all builds
<name> <true/false> - Activates or deactivates a build
<name> <frameTick> - Sets the frame tick interval for a build
- `dynamicbuild.buildmode` - Allows player to use build mode
- `dynamicbuild.addbuild` - Allows player to add a build
- `dynamicbuild.delbuild` - Allows player to remove a build
- `dynamicbuild.listbuilds` - Allows player to list all builds
- `dynamicbuild.activatebuild` - Allows player to activate or deactivate a build
- `dynamicbuild.settickinterval` - Allows player to set the frame tick interval for a build
- `dynamicbuild.*` - Allows player to use all commands
Code (YAML):
# DynamicBuild configuration
: 1.1
# Plugin version
: true
# Default build mode
: 1
# Minimal frame tick interval (20 ticks = 1 second)
: en
# Language [en/fr/de/it/es/pt/ru]