A great looking command shortcut plugin. Not necessarily a replacement for Essentials.
What is MiniVital? The plugin is really simple and performant. MiniVital offers you fast access to speed changing and gamemode commands. The command output and messages are designed to look far better than they looked before. Everything is configurable. If you need more configurability in a certain thing, or want something to be added, contact me.
What command are there? - /speed - /fly - Gamemode Commands (/gmc, /gms, /gmsp, /gma) - And more... Even more coming soon.
# Locale of the default language file to use. Docs: https://minivital.mikart.fi/configuration/language-files language: en-us
# Whether to enable debug mode. This will print additional information to the console. debug: false
# Whether to enable the plugin's update checker. update_checker: true
# All settings related to the commands. commands:
adventure_enabled: true
survival_enabled: true
creative_enabled: true
spectator_enabled: true
gamemode_enabled: true
speed_enabled: true
# Whether to notify targets when a players gamemode is changed. notify_targets: true
Permissions: minivital.gamemode.all - Grants all the permissions for gamemode commands
minivital.gamemode.survival - Survival gamemode command
minivital.gamemode.creative - Creative gamemode command
minivital.gamemode.adventure - Adventure gamemode command
minivital.gamemode.spectator - Spectator gamemode command
minivital.fly - Fly command
minivital.fly.other - Set fly to another player
minivital.speed.set - Set speed command (and flyspeed)
minivital.speed.set.other - Set speed for another player