SimpleClaim icon

SimpleClaim -----

A plugin that enables players to protect their lands.

#### Description
SimpleClaimPlugin allows players to claim chunks of land to protect their builds and manage permissions for others to interact within their claimed areas. It includes functionalities to claim, view, and clear claims, as well as manage trust relationships and claim limits for players.
#### Key Features
- Players cannot claim areas that are non adjacent to their own claims.
- Players cannot claim areas that are near other players claims to prevent grief. (Essentially, there is an additional chunk perimeter formed around a players claim preventing anyone from building on it, including the owner.)
#### Commands
- `/claim` - Gives an enchanted stick for claiming or unclaiming chunks. Right-Click to claim the chunk that the player is standing on and Left-Click to unclaim.
- `/viewclaim` - Displays claim borders for a short period.
- `/clearclaim <playerName>` - Removes all claims of a specified player (Admin only).
- `/trust <playerName>` - Gives a specified player permission to build in your claims.
- `/untrust <playerName>` - Removes a specified player's build permissions from your claims.
- `/setplayerclaimlimit <playerName> <newClaimLimit>` - Sets the claim limit for a specified player (Admin only).
- `/enableworld` - Enables claiming in the current world (Admin only).
- `/disableworld` - Disables claiming in the current world (Admin only).
#### Technical Support
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 424
First Release: Mar 23, 2024
Last Update: Jun 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings