« Overview »
DeluxeTeleport is the ultimate plugin for adding multiple teleport options to your Minecraft server. Designed to offer advanced features and overcome the limitations of other plugins, DeluxeTeleport gives you complete control over transport options, offering a fast, customizable and efficient experience. Take teleportation in Minecraft to a new level with unique features and ease of use that your players will appreciate.
Currently, DeluxeTeleport includes:
Comprehensive teleport request management: Includes all basic commands like /tpa, /tpahere, /tpcancel, and more. Everything you need to handle teleport requests on your server is covered.
Teleport request control: Allows players to enable or disable receiving teleport requests with a simple command, giving them the freedom to choose when to receive them.
Management of multiple pending requests: Handles multiple teleport requests simultaneously. Players can accept or decline requests based on their preferences without losing control.
Teleport warm-up period: Includes a warm-up period before completing teleportation. You can set it so that moving during this time cancels the teleport, adding a level of realism and security.
Command cooldown: Prevents abuse and spam of teleport commands with a configurable cooldown, promoting a balanced use of teleport features.
Highly configurable: Most features of the plugin are customizable. You can adjust settings globally or specifically to fit your server's dynamics.
Customizable home points: Allows players to set locations as “home” points for easy return. Players can revisit these points anytime, perfect for saving strategic locations.
Custom respawn options per world: Define where players respawn in different worlds. You can choose between the general spawn point, a specific world spawn, or their beds.
Advanced spawn point system: Configure specific spawn points for each world and enable specialized respawns. For instance, you can set a unique respawn point for players with certain permissions or ranks (requires a permissions plugin).
Teleport conditions: Set conditions that players must meet before teleporting. You can establish requirements like having a certain amount of money, experience, or other resources, offering flexibility to create various gameplay experiences.
Customizable action system: Add actions before, during (repetitive), after, and upon canceling a teleport. These actions can include sounds, commands, visual effects, messages, titles, and more, perfect for creating immersive teleport experiences.
Interactive and dynamic menus: Create custom menus with dynamic items. For example, you can add an item in the inventory for each “home” point a player has and trigger actions or check conditions on click. This enables a more visual and intuitive navigation experience. Future support for Bedrock Edition is planned to enhance menu compatibility.
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