Hello Skript developers, I have developed a small skript that I think may be useful to you.
So what does this script do?
- You can easily color all the texts in your script with this API.
You may think that you can do this feature on websites such as RGB Gradient Creator, but this script can color all the words saved in variables, entered in arguments, and written in the chat. So, to make a long story short, it is not available;
It helps to color the messages you haven't written before.
For example; You can completely color a player's name, the message he writes, the item he is holding, or the name of a BOSS.
Code (Text):
#MAX 3 CHARACTERS OF COLOR CODE | It was made based on the first 3 letters of a hex-color code ETC: [fff]000
# formatted / colored aneHexAPI("YOU TEXT HERE" , "COLOR CODE")
command /alert [<String>]:
String arg is set:
send "&6&lALERT&8 > %formatted test(String arg, "FF0")%" to players