This plugin allows tracking of the online time for players.
- Only online time tracking plugin that is updated to the latest minecraft version
- Almost every message is configurable via messages.yml
- GUI which showcases various ontime data for players (Updates in real time at an interval which can be configured)
- 0% thread usage on a single instance with over 600 players on it while tracking more than 50 players
- MySQL support
- Administrator friendly commands, permission nodes, and error messages to pinpoint issues
- Discord Webhook support
- All commands (besides /mactime gui) can be executed by console
- Hex support for configurable messages
- PlaceholderAPI Support
Admin Commands
- /mactime export <all:player> [username]
- If discord webhooks are enabled, this allows you to export all ontime data for either a specific player
or all players being tracked.
- /mactime gui [groupname:online:offline:other]
- Opens a GUI with all players showcasing their ontime data. If you have luckperms on your server, you can sort players in the gui by group weights.
- You are also able to set the real time update interval for the GUI (If you would not like this, set gui.updateinterval to 0 in config.yml)
- If you would like to view players' ontimes that are in a specific group, you can specify all included groups under gui.whitelisted[LIST]groups and run /mactime gui [groupname]
- You are also able to specify viewing online players or offline players data by running /mactime gui [online:offline]
- If a player was previously in a group specified under gui.whitelisted-groups but now isn't, you can view their data by running /mactime gui [other]
(If you would like their data wiped on their next join if they no longer have the mactime.track permission node, you can enable other.remove-if-no-perm in config.yml)
- /mactime help
- /mactime reload [config:messages]
- Reloads either the config.yml file or messages.yml file. If no choice is specified, both will be reloaded.
- /mactime reset <player:group> <groupname:username>
- Resets ontime data for either a player or a group (if luckperms is on your server).
If you would like the user data to be permanently removed from your server after running this command, you can set reset.delete-data-on-reset to true in the config.yml.
- /ontime <username>
- View ontime data for a specific player
Player Commands
- /ontime
- Displays ontime data based on the player's permissions.
- mactime.*: Grants all permissions.
- ontime.track: Allows the plugin to track the player's ontime.
- mactime.admin: Provides access to /mactime command.
- mactime.command.*: Provides access to all /mactime commands and their subcommands.
- Grants access to /mactime help.
- mactime.command.reload: Grants access to /mactime reload [config:messages].
- mactime.command.export: if discord webhooks are enabled, this allows you to export player’s ontime data to a webhook.
- mactime.command.reset: Grants access to /mactime reset <player name:all>.
- mactime.command.gui: Grants access to the /mactime gui command.
- ontime.own: Allows use of /ontime command.
- ontime.own.*: Provides access to see all ontime statistics.
- ontime.own.afk: Provides access to see AFK time via /ontime.
- ontime.own.daily: Provides access to see daily time via /ontime.
- ontime.own.weekly: Provides access to see weekly time via /ontime.
- ontime.own.monthly: Provides access to see monthly time via /ontime.
- ontime.own.yearly: Provides access to see yearly time via /ontime.
- ontime.own.alltime: Provides access to see alltime ontime via /ontime.
- ontime.others: Allows usage of /ontime <username> to view other player's ontimes.
- ontime.others.*: Provides access to see all ontime statistics for other players.
- ontime.others.afk: Provides access to see AFK time via /ontime for other players.
- ontime.others.daily: Provides access to see daily time via /ontime for other players.
- ontime.others.weekly: Provides access to see weekly time via /ontime for other players.
- ontime.others.monthly: Provides access to see monthly time via /ontime for other players.
- ontime.others.yearly: Provides access to see yearly time via /ontime for other players.
- ontime.others.alltime: Provides access to see alltime ontime via /ontime for other players.
- %mactime_current%
- Displays the current ontime of the user looking at the placeholder
- %mactime_daily
- Displays the daily ontime of the user looking at the placeholder
- %mactime_weekly
- Displays the weekly ontime of the user looking at the placeholder
- %mactime_monthly
- Displays the monthly ontime of the user looking at the placeholder
- %mactime_yearly
- Displays the yearly ontime of the user looking at the placeholder
- %mactime_alltime
- Displays the alltime ontime of the user looking at the placeholder
- %mactime_afktime
- Displays the afktime of the user looking at the placeholder
- %mactime_lastonline
- This will always return Player is currently online!
For other players, you can add their username to the end of the placeholder.
For example,
- %mactime_daily_notch%
- This will return the daily ontime for "Notch".
- If the player specified has no data, then the placeholder will display Player has no data.
- For %mactime_lastonline_notch, this will return how long it has been since the player logged off of the server.
If you would like the raw value in seconds, you can add
_raw to the end of any time related placeholder.
For example,
- %mactime_daily_raw%
- If I had 5 minutes of daily ontime, this would return 300
MacTime hooks into 3 optional plugins for added features
- Luckperms
- Mactime hooks into luckperms to enable group sorting by weights and adding the player's prefix inside the GUI
- EssentialsX
- For enabling the tracking of time spent afk
- PlaceholderAPI
Support & Contact
- To report bugs, suggest a feature, or anything else, contact me via discord -> ajmac