Add several auto compressors to your Minecraft server, usable through a GUI!
This has been updated after several years, as a new Skript update completely broke the old one. The new download works perfectly fine, but is not the same type of autocompressing.
If your Skript version is
2.10.0 or above, remove
any instance of "with all item flags;" it will otherwise give errors. If not, you don't need to change anything!
- /getcompressor [name] >> Gives you a compressor, that on right click lets you use it in /autocompressors. Requires permission "staff.getcompressor.use"
- /autocompressors >> Opens a GUI where you can enable or disable autocompressors if you have permission to.
Making an Autocompressor:
At the top of the skript, after line five, add a new line that goes by the following:
registerCompressor(name, permission for using, GUI icon, item it compresses, item it becomes)
Default Example (Line 7):
registerCompressor("Cobblestone Compressor", "compressors.cobblestone", stone of mending 1, plain stone, stone of mending 1 named "&fCompressed Stone" with lore "&e&lUNCOMMON" with all item flags)
- Skript
- SkBee
Upcoming Features:
✖ ---
If you encounter any problems with the script, or have any questions, you can contact my discord (deus_the_ninth), or use the comment sections. Thank you!