Homes plugin provides players with an easy and customizable way to manage their homes in-game. Players can set up, teleport between, and save coordinates for their homes efficiently. The plugin supports a customizable teleportation cost and enables administrators to save all player information in a dedicated file for easy management.
- /home set <name>: Set a new home with a custom name.
- /home remove <name>: Remove an existing home with the specified name.
- /home rename <old> <new>: Rename an existing home.
- /home tp <name>: Teleport to the specified home.
- /home share <homeName> <player>: Share the specified home with another player.
- /home unshare <homeName> <player>: Stop sharing the specified home with another player.
- /home save: Save all player information, including home data.
- /home list: Display a list of the current player's homes.
- /home icon <homeName> <block/item>: Set an icon for the specified home using the given block or item.
- /home reload: Reload lang and config files.
- /home: Opens the GUI.
If you need help and support write me on discord, my nickname is "ilbrojohnny".