You can send your claim blocks to a player. THIS IS WORKING WITH BONUS CLAIM BLOCKS ( so if player has 0 bonus but 100 total claimblocks COMMAND WILL SEND ERR 'no enough claimblocks' )
Supported versions: 1.13.x - 1.21.4 Installation: 1. Download this plugin 2. Download grief prevention plugin 3. Stop the server 4. Put them both in plugins folder 5. Start server
Commands: /gpsend <player> <amount> - gpsend.send /gpsend reload - (only admins or with perm) gpsend.reload /gpsend-all <amount> - gpsend.sendall
If you have any problems or suggestions contact me on discord (brihtec).
# ERRORS no_player: "&cYou need to choose player." no_number: "&cYou need to specify how much claim blocks do you want to send." no_blocks: "&cYou dont have enought claim blocks!" only_int: "&cValue of blocks must be a number!" yourself: "&cYou can't send claim blocks to yourself!" player_not_found: "&cSorry! We couldn't find that player!" usage: "&4Usage: /gpsend <player_name> <number> || /gpsend reload" usage2: "&4Usage: /gpsend-all <amount>"
# MESSAGES reload: "&aPlugin successfully reloaded! Its recommended to restart server after command alias changing." no_perm: "&cYou have no permission to do this!" only_players: "&cConsole can not execute this command." sender: "&aYou send {number} claimblocks to {target}." receiver: "&a{player} just sent you {number} claim blocks." toall: "&a&l{player} just sent {number} claim blocks to everyone online."