You can configurate and create new magnets on a folder named "magnets" You change the magnet attributes, materials and you can even add custom model to your item if you have any !
/magnet (name) (player) - Give a magnet to a specific player require: magnet.use
This plugin allow you to create magnets yourself, you have to go in the folder named "magnets" and create a new yml file and follow the format.
Here is an example format:
Code (YAML):
name: "&bBasic Attraction" lore: -
"&7The &bBasic Attraction &7is your first step into the world of magnets." -
"&7With a range of &3{range} &7and a speed of &3{speed}, &7it can attract objects from a modest distance." -
"&7It's a perfect tool for those just starting to explore magnetic forces." -
"" - "&7Tier: &3&l{tier}" range: 3
speed: 0.75
tier: "COMMON" material: "SHEARS" model-data: 0
has-filter: true
filter: -