RandomDeath | "We do a little trolling" icon

RandomDeath | "We do a little trolling" -----

Choose the way players die or let the possibilities decide

Kill players in random ways

This plugins allows you and whoever has the permission to use the /randomdeath command (randomdeath.randomdeath, only OPs by default) to kill players in random ways.

/randomdeath [players] | If no players are specified, the user that sent the command will be killed
/randomdeathgui [players] | Choose the way all the players will be killed

RandomDeath bow | Works like the /randomdeath command if you shoot a player with it. In case you shoot an entity that's not a player, it will explode.

Many more ways to die will be added during future updates.
If you have any idea on a new way to kill a player, send it to me via this form, I will implement it and give you credits for it.

Possible deaths list
Fall damage
Lethal arrow
Kicked from the game
Teleported into the void
Death upon interacting with an object
Death by explosion upon entering a bed
Death upon sneaking
Death by explosion after consuming an item
Death by opening a block inventory (chests, anvils, etc.)
Death by fishing
Death by entering a portal
Death by explosion upon sprinting
Death upon dropping an item
Death upon hurting an entity
Death upon breaking a block
Death upon killing an entity
Death by explosion when a lightning bolt strikes
Player becomes the projectile they shot
Death upon shooting with a bow
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,046
First Release: Mar 1, 2024
Last Update: Apr 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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