⭐ Player Warps ⭐ ➢ Let your players set warps! [1.7-1.21.4] icon

⭐ Player Warps ⭐ ➢ Let your players set warps! [1.7-1.21.4] -----

Let your players set warps, supports your favorite plugins, cross-server support and more.

Player Warps allows players to set their own warps. This also supports loads of your other favourite plugins, that makes the experience so much better! Please know that this plugin uses bStats, this collects data like versions and plugin versions, checking bStats here.






Player Warps contains support for many different plugins and other cool features you'll never find anywhere else. You can find a list of features here.

Plugin Features
  • Economy Support
  • World Support
  • Categories
  • Bungee Support (Need to enable MySQL)
  • Warps per server/worlds
  • Multiple warps per player
  • List all warps
  • Remove warps
  • Extremely customisable
  • Easy setup
  • Fully automatic
  • Warping/Manage GUI
  • Warp Purging
  • Unsafe detection
  • Warp delay
  • Warp rating
  • Warp locking
  • Re-set Warps
  • Rename warps
  • Transfer warp owner
  • Set warp passwords
  • setup warp whitelists
And a lot more...

/pw help - Displays the command menu. (N/A)
/pw <warp> - Teleports to the player warp. (pw.warp)
/pw set <name> [player] - Sets a warp to your location. (pw.limit.<#>)
/pw remove <warp> - Removes the warp. (pw.remove)
/pw desc set/remove <warp> <desc> - Manages warp descriptions. (pw.desc)
/pw list [page] [player] - Lists all the current player warps. (pw.list)
/pw open [menu] [option] - Opens the player menu. (pw.open)
/pw amount [player] - Check how much warps you have. (pw.amount)
/pw rtp - Teleport to a random warp. (pw.rtp)
/pw icon <set/remove> <warp> - Manage warp icons. (pw.icon)
/pw category set/remove/list <warp> [category] - Set a warp category. (pw.category)
/pw rate <warp> <description> - Rate a warp. (pw.rate)
/pw lock <warp> [true/false] - Lock a warp. (pw.lock)
/pw cost set/remove <warp> <cost> - Manage Warp costs. (pw.cost)
/pw reset <warp> - Re-set a warps location. (pw.reset)
/pw rename <warp> <name> - Rename a warp. (pw.rename)
/pw setowner <warp> <player> - Transfer a warp's ownership (pw.setowner)
/pw password set/remove <warp> <password> - Manage warp passwords. (pw.password)
/pw whitelist set/remove/list/disable/enable <warp> <player> - Manage warp whitelist. (pw.whitelist)
/pw ban set/remove/list <warp> [player] [time] [reason] - Manage warp banning. (pw.ban)
/pw managers set/remove/list <warp> [player] - Manage warp managers. (pw.managers)
/pw favourite <warp> [player] - Add a warp to your favourites. (pw.favourite)
/pw removeall <player> - Removes all the player's warps. (pw.admin.removeall)
/pw reload - Reloads all the config files. (pw.admin.reload)
/pw addwarps <player> <amount> - Add more warps to a player. (pw.admin.addwarps)

pw.desc.color - Put colors in warp descriptions.
pw.desc.papi - Put PAPI placeholders in warp descriptions.
pw.rate.color - Put colors in rate descriptions.
pw.set.color - Put colors in warp names.
pw.rate.papi - Put PAPI placeholders in rate descriptions.
pw.warp.notify - Get notified upon warp teleportation.
pw.amount.others - View other players' warp amount.
pw.set.sign - Create a warp via a sign if enabled in config.
pw.warp.sign - Create/destroy a sign to tp to warps if enabled in config.
pw.category.<category> - Allows the player to set a warp to that category.
pw.warp.delay - Bypass the warp wait delay.
pw.warp.delay.move - Bypass warp movement for warp delay.
pw.warp.safe - Bypass warp safe check.
pw.cost.bypass - Bypass warp teleportation costs.
pw.cooldown.visit - Bypass warp visit cooldown.
pw.cooldown.teleport - Bypass warp teleport cooldown.
pw.cooldown.set - Bypass warp setting cooldown.
pw.cooldown.rate - Bypass warp rating cooldown.
pw.cooldown.sponsor - Bypass warp sponsor cooldown.
pw.admin.bypass - Bypass any restriction with the warp addons.
pw.admin.update - When a player joins they receive update notifications.
pw.admin.set - Set a warp for another player.
pw.admin.nopurge - Bypass the purging warp feature.
pw.admin.category - Set any other warp categories including your own.
pw.admin.setowner - Transfer any other warp owners including your own.
pw.admin.rent - Bypass the warp renting feature.
pw.admin.ban - Manage any other warp bans including your own and also bypasses teleport restriction.
pw.admin.managers - Manage any other warp managers including your own.
pw.admin.whitelist - Manage any other warp whitelists including your own and also bypasses teleport restriction.
pw.admin.rename - Rename any other warp including your own.
pw.admin.reset - Re-set any other warp locations including your own.
pw.admin.desc - Manage any other warp descriptions including your own.
pw.admin.list - View a list of warps for another player.
pw.admin.icon - Manage any other warp icons including your own.
pw.admin.cost - Manage any other warp costs including your own.
pw.admin.lock - Lock any other warp including your own and also bypasses teleport restriction.
pw.admin.sponsor - Sponsor any other warp including your own.
pw.admin.delsponsor - Remove the warp as a sponsor.
pw.admin.teleport - Force a player to teleport to that warp.
pw.admin.favourite - Add a warp to another players favourite warp list.
pw.admin.disabledworlds - Bypass the disabled worlds restriction.
pw.admin.open - Use open options for opening a menu.
pw.admin.notify - Bypass the warp teleport notification (pw.warp.notify).
pw.admin.rate - Remove a players rating from a warp.


Player Warps downloads the following dependencies automatically:
These dependencies are not required for the plugin to run, but they do indeed add compatibility for many features, like MiniMessage.

Wanna support us?
You can donate here ! Donating helps us out a lot for maintaining this plugin and the insane discord support, also helps to keep our online services running for the community and for the plugin itself. All donations are appreciated :D
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,093
First Release: Mar 8, 2024
Last Update: Nov 9, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
27 ratings
Find more info at olziedev.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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