LimitDrops icon

LimitDrops -----

Limit drops in specified worlds

LimitDrops is a small, lightweight plugin which stops players from dropping items and lagging the server. It's mainly of use for Creative servers, where a hacked client can be used to drop large amounts of items.

There are four sources of drops that can be prevented, each of which can be enabled/disabled individually:
  1. Prevent players from dropping items. This can also be done with WorldGuard.
  2. Prevent containers from dropping their inventories. The event itself is not canceled, so the block itself is still dropped normally. Shulker boxes are not emptied because the shulker box drop itself includes the contents.
  3. Prevent minecarts/boats with inventories from dropping their inventories. The event itself is not canceled, so the minecart/boat itself is still dropped normally.
  4. Prevent dispensers/droppers from dispensing anything. WorldGuard can do this, but only for items on the blacklist.
Configuration (Required)

After installing LimitDrops and restarting your server, you need to edit the configuration file and add which world(s) you want to be affected by adding the names to the worlds section. List one world per line. Then restart your server.

By default the plugin will have all four cases listed above enabled. You can control which ones are active by changing the limit-drops section for player, container-inventory, minecart-inventory, and dispenser.

Set prevent-shulkerbox-creative-drops to true to prevent the drop of shulker boxes and their contents when broken by a player in Creative mode. This setting defaults to false, allowing shulker box drops in Creative mode.

You can also change the drop-message shown to players who attempt to drop items. Set it to an empty string "" to not show a message.

Here is the default configuration file:
Code (YAML):
worlds :
- putyourworldshere

: true
: true
: true
: true

: false

: "&cInventory drops are not allowed in this world."



This plugin uses the bStats metrics system to provide anonymous usage data. You may opt-out globally by changing plugins/bStats/config.yml. The metrics are available at
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 280
First Release: Feb 20, 2024
Last Update: Nov 15, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
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