Introducing the exciting Castle Siege minigame! Attack the Castle, or defend the King.
Your goal? Either assassinate the King orprotect the throne. It's all about thrilling battles and fun for everyone on your server!
Feature List
Teams: Engage in battle as a Defender or Attacker.
Kits: Choose from 8 specialized kits (4 per team) to match your playstyle. Kits are customizable for varied strategies.
Game Modes: Play in Normal Mode or Hardcore Mode (where respawning is disabled).
Abilities: Each kit includes a unique ability item, adding strategic depth to gameplay.
Coins: Earn coins by eliminating opponents or winning the game. Use coins to purchase additional kits.
Kill Rewards: Gain temporary effects, like speed or regeneration, upon defeating enemies.
Throwable Weapons: Berserkers can throw axes, while Bombardiers can throw TNT to destroy Defender barriers
Map Regeneration: The map’s defenses (like fences) automatically regenerate after each game.
Player Stats: Track individual stats and achievements.
BossBar Support: King's health is now displayed on BossBar.
Fully Configurable: All settings, kits, and messages can be customized to fit your preferences.
Autostart: Games can start automatically with adjustable settings.
Map Included: A custom map is provided for castle siege gameplay.
New Map!!!
Coordinates: X: 63 Y: 105 Z: -80 Download: INCLUDED WITH PLUGIN Special thanks to MATIASXD10 For making this map if you need builds contact him on discord MATIASXD10
Getting started
To start off, you can configure team names, timers, king health etc... Then in-game set spawns For in-game commands you need either permission cs.admin or op. Currently, permissions are for admin commands only.
- /cs setlobby - set lobby location
- /cs setspawn teamName - set team spawn location Teams: Attackers or Defenders NOTE: YOU CAN CHANGE DISPLAY NAMES FOR TEAMS BUT STILL WHEN YOU SET SPAWNS YOU WILL HAVE TO USE Attackers or Defenders instead of your display names!
- /cs setkingspawn - set king's spawn location
/cs start description: To start the game manually
/cs endgame description: Force stop game without winner
/cs type description: Change type between Normal and Hardcore
/cs save Just IN Case you have edited fences around map
for map regeneration you need to save
original fence locations
/stats OR /stats <username> description: check your stats or someone else's
/coins <set | add | remove> <username> <amount> description: add remove or set player coins
permission: op or cs.admin
/kit <lock | unlock> <kit> <username> description: lock or unlock kit for a player
permission: op or cs.admin
Kits In kits section each kit is explained (items, custom ability, and kill effects)
Kits are customizable via kits.yml file, for now you can only configure items and prices, DO NOT change kitTeam and kitNames as it can break other things. You can purchase kits in-game for coins or unlock them via command.
Throwable Weapons
Throwable Axes: Berserkers can throw axe as part of their kit.
Throwable TNT: Bombardiers can throw TNT to destroy Defenders' fences and deal damage to players.
Map Regeneration System
- After each game, the map regenerates the oak fences that were destroyed during the match, restoring the battlefield for the next round.
- The system will only remove or place the one that've been broken or placed when game started
Attackers cannot place OAK FENCES, but can break them, while Defenders can place and break OAK FENCES - NOTE this is for now only POSSIBLE with OAK Fences
Code (Text):
maxPlayersPerTeam: 16
attackersTeamName: Vikings
defendersTeamName: Franks
main-color: YELLOW
secondary-color: WHITE
##YOU CAN SET SPAWNS IN-GAME /cs setlobby /cs teamspawn ATTACKERS/DEFENDERS /cs setmobspawn
If you come across any bugs or have suggestions for features, please avoid using the reviews section for these matters. Instead, feel free to reach out to me via Discord. Your feedback is essential and greatly appreciated in ensuring the ongoing improvement of the plugin.
I appreciate your interest in this project