How its work?
You must be near the gray_glazed_terracotta block and enter the /Makefood command and leave a space after writing it and enter the listed foods in the subcommand. I also write down the things you need to make each dish.
/makefood (namefood)
List all of Foods:
- Toast
3 Wheat in your hand
- Nimro
2 egg in your hand
- Pizza
1 red mushroom & 1 Porkchop & 1 Toast
- Hotdog
1 Porkchop & 1 Toast
- SandwichSabzi
1 Tall grass & Toast
- Kabab_Kobideh
1 Stick & 5 Beef
- Cuppacoffe
10 Beetroot seed
example use command:
/makefood Toast
Resource pack Officially for cooking simulator:
Link download in github
Communication with us and..
At the end of the conversation, pay attention to the following points.
- If you want, you can customize this plugin by paying a small fee. Contact us on Discord for this.
- This plugin is constantly updated with your requests, so if you have an idea, write it.
Discord server for support and make your plugin