This is a simple Shout plugin that can be used to broadcast messages.
Currently still under development... so there are many things that cannot be configured. Please look forward to future updates.
As I am a beginner, this plugin might not be perfect, but I will keep working to create more interesting plugins in the future. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know! Thank you!
/shout <message> - Send a broadcast message.
/shout set <time> <message> - Schedule a broadcast message.
/shout cancel - Cancel a broadcast message.
/shout list - View the list of planned broadcasts.
/shout setautotime <name> <time> <message> - Set a scheduled automatic broadcast message.
/shout cancelautotime <name> - Cancel the scheduled broadcast message.
/shout autotimelist - Display the current broadcast schedule.
/shout setsounds - Set the sound effect for broadcasts.
Additional Features:
Code (Text):
Use /whisper <player> <message> to send a private message to another player.
(Alternatively, you can use /w <player> <message> as a shortcut.)
Use /reply <message> to respond to the last player who sent you a message.
(Alternatively, you can use /r <message> as a shortcut.)
Code (YAML):
# # =================================================== # # 企鵝Penguin的公告插件V2 # # The Shout Plugin Version 2 by.Penguin # # =================================================== # # 訊息顏色/Message Color | 預設:白色(&f)/Default: White(&f) # # 可以透過顏色代碼來讓訊息有顏色!/You can use color codes to make the messages colorful! shout-prefix: '&6
message-color: '&f'
countdown-message: '&eShout will be broadcasted in &6
}&e seconds
# # 是否顯示自動公告的倒數3秒訊息/Show countdown message for auto shouts? # # 預設: false/Default: false # # 如果設為 true,自動公告將會顯示倒數3秒的訊息/If set to true, the automatic announcement will display a countdown message of 3 seconds. show-countdown: false
# # 預設的 Shout 音效/Default Shout Sound # # 玩家可以透過 /shout setsounds 指令選擇音效 # # Players can use the /shout setsounds command to select a sound # # 預設音效為 ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP # # Default sound is ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP shout-sound: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP
# # 冷卻時間(單位:秒)/Cooldown time (in seconds) # # 玩家使用 /shout 指令後需要等待的時間 # # The time players need to wait after using the /shout command # # 預設: 30 秒/Default: 30 seconds cooldown-time: 30
description: Allows the player to use the basic shout command.
description: Allows the player to schedule a shout.
description: Allows the player to cancel a scheduled shout.
description: Allows the player to set and manage auto shouts.
description: Allows the player to set the shout sound.
description: Grants access to all shout commands.
description: Allows the player to use whisper and reply commands.
description: Bypass shout cooldown.