ModernShowcase offers a glass showcase similar to an item frame, but with customizable scale size, rotation, and auto-rotation features. It leverages "Display Item" to showcase items efficiently and utilizes "PersistentDataContainer" to save showcase data to the chunk of the World. Features
To acquire a Glass Showcase, assemble 8 glass blocks (any type is acceptable) and 1 item frame. Once placed, right-click to preview the items in the showcase. Shift + Right-click to access the showcase settings.
Current settings options:
Scale Size: 1~10 (default 7)
Toggle Fixed Display: Whether the display item always faces the player.
Toggle Glass Display: The visibility of the glass case.
Set Display Items: Change the items in the showcase.
Position Offest: (Coming soon)
Yaw/Pitch Direction: Specifies the direction of the displayed item.
Auto Rotation Speed: -02 ~ 25(default 0).
showcase_settings: Showcase settings
sacle_size: §r§fSacle Size
current_value: '§6Current: {0}'
toggle_fixed: §rToggle Fixed Display
toggle_glass: §rToggle Glass Display
yaw_direction: §r§fYaw Direction
pitch_direction: §r§fPitch Direction
auto-rotation_speed: §rAuto Rotation Speed
- '§6Current: {0}'
- ' '
- §7Right click to +1゚
- §7Left click to -1゚
- §7Hold Shift = 10゚
- '§6Current: {0}'
- ' '
- §7Right click to +1
- §7Left click to -1
enable: §aEnable
disable: §cDisable
showcase: ' Showcase'
- §7Right click to swap/preview item
- §7Shift + Right Click to edit settings
glass: Glass
tinted_glass: Tinted Glass
white_glass: White Glass
light_gray_glass: Light Gray Glass
gray_glass: Gray Glass
black_glass: Black Glass
brown_glass: Brown Glass
red_glass: Red Glass
orange_glass: Orange Glass
yellow_glass: Yellow Glass
lime_glass: Lime Glass
green_glass: Green Glass
cyan_glass: Cyan Glass
blue_glass: Blue Glass
light_blue_glass: Light Blue Glass
purple_glass: Purple Glass
magenta_glass: Magenta Glass
pink_glass: Pink Glass
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