[30% OFF] ✨ Lucky Drops ✨ An Alternative Lucky Block Plugin ✨ [1.12.2 - 1.21.4] icon

[30% OFF] ✨ Lucky Drops ✨ An Alternative Lucky Block Plugin ✨ [1.12.2 - 1.21.4] -----

A new concept of Lucky Blocks! Fully customizable, spinning, no lag!

A new concept of Lucky Blocks, the Lucky Drops! Fantastic spinning Lucky Blocks fully customizable, interactable and lag free! Choose between an unilimited number of heads to personalize each Lucky Drop!


Are you a Minecraft content creator ? Feel free to contact me and request a copy of the plugin for free !


Lucky Drops are like normal Lucky Blocks but not in a form of block. They are spinning heads with a cool floating animation. You can step into them to get custom fully customizable drops, each Lucky Drop can give you different items with a custom drop rate. But there is more! You can right-click them to open the player enderchest or execute a custom command, both server and player side.

You can even create custom regions where the Lucky Drops can randomly spawn, you can select the amount of each Lucky Drop type per region and more!


This plugin ensures 100% lag-free performance, as Lucky Drops are managed via packets, reducing the server load on entities. Additionally, players will only render Lucky Drops nearby, preventing the reception of unnecessary packets.


The plugin requires ProtocolLib to run! You can easily download it from their official page, it is free!
The plugin also supports PlaceholderAPI.

Are you a developer? You can find the plugin API here.


If you've purchased the plugin and require any form of assistance, feel free to reach out to me via direct message or leave a message on the plugin page. If you encountered an error, please don't leave a negative review, instead, reach out to me directly or join our Discord server, where I can promptly address and resolve any issues you may be facing. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're committed to ensuring a seamless experience for all users.


  • %luckydrops_count_all% || Returns the number of all the Lucky Drops in the map.
  • %luckydrops_count_alive% || Returns the number of all alive Lucky Drops in the map.
  • %luckydrops_count_dead% || Returns the number of all dead Lucky Drops in the map.
  • %luckydrops_count_head_<headid>% || Returns the number of all the Lucky Drops in the map that have a specific headID.
  • %luckydrops_count_region_<regionid>% || Returns the number of all the Lucky Drops in a specific region.
  • %luckydrops_count_template_<templateid>% || Returns the number of all the Lucky Drops in the map that have a specific template.
  • %luckydrops_info_headid_<luckydropid>% || Returns the headID of the specified Lucky Drop.
  • %luckydrops_info_templateid_<luckydropid>% || Returns the templateID of the specified Lucky Drop.
  • %luckydrops_info_respawndelay_<luckydropid>% || Returns the respawn delay in seconds of the specified Lucky Drop.
  • %luckydrops_info_isalive_<luckydropid>% || Returns true if the specified Lucy Drop is alive, false otherwise.
  • %luckydrops_info_respawncountdown_<luckydropid>% || Returns the seconds left before the specified Lucky Drop respawns again or none if it is already spawned.


Buy the plugin if and only if you are sure you want it and you are going to use it, please do not buy and then make an instant refund! If you expect a feature but there isn't contact me before making a refund!

You are not allowed to decompile, modify, redistribute the jar in any way and under any circumstance!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 14
First Release: Feb 3, 2024
Last Update: Jan 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings