# # Plugin made by SimplePlugins # https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/simplefly.114779/ # # Further Resources: # https://www.spigotmc.org/members/simple-plugins.1956834/#resources # command:
name: fly
aliases: - flight
permission: "SimpleFly.command.fly" permission-other: "SimpleFly.command.fly.other"
Code (Text):
"prefix": "§7[§9§lSystem§7]",
"no_console": "{Prefix} §cYou have to be a Player!",
"no_permission": "{Prefix} §cYou do not have permission to use this command!",
"player_not_found": "{Prefix} §cThe specified player could not be found!",
"flight_enabled": "{Prefix} §7You are now in §aflight mode",
"flight_disabled": "{Prefix} §7You are no longer in §cflight mode",
"flight_enabled_other": "{Prefix} {Player} is now in §aflight mode",
"flight_disabled_other": "{Prefix} {Player} is no longer in §cflight mode"