BetterRanks Plugin for Minecraft - Spigot 1.18.2+
Add-on for GroupManager
!!!REQUIRES GroupManager to work!!!
- timed ranks
- promo codes for ranks
PLEASE REPORT ANY ISSUES UNDER THIS LINK: Allows access to the /br info or /br help commands. Provides general information about the plugin.
- betterranks.add: Grants permission to use the /br add command. This command is used to assign or update a player's rank.
- betterranks.delete: Grants permission to use the /br delete command. This command is used to remove a rank from a player.
- betterranks.reload: Allows the use of /br reload to reload the plugin's configuration.
- betterranks.code: Grants access to use promo codes via the /br code command.
- betterranks.createcode: Allows the creation of promo codes through the /br createcode command.
The plugin is highly configurable through the config.yml file. You can set logging levels and groups hierarchy.
Example Configuration:
Code (Text):
[*]1: Player
[*]2: VIP
[*]3: MVP
[*]4: PRO
[*]5: GOD
[*]6: Helper
[*]7: Owner
Commands usage
Code (Text):
[*]/br info: Displays plugin information.
[*]/br add <player> <rank> <time> <unit>: Adds or updates a rank for a player.
[*]/br delete <player>: Removes a rank from a player.
[*]/br code : Redeem your code, each user can redeem code from given pool only once!
[*]/br createcode <maxUsers> <rank> <time> <unit> <poolName>: creates a random code under custom pool name.
[*]/br reload: Reloads config Rank Expiry Check The plugin automatically checks for rank expiries at configurable intervals and updates accordingly.
Classes Description BetterRanks: The main class for initializing and managing the plugin. BetterRanksCommandHandler: Handles all the commands issued by the players. ConfigManager: Manages the plugin's configurations. PluginLogger: Takes care of logging all the operations and errors. DataManager: Manages player data, including rank information and promo codes.
[*]/br help
[*]/br checktl <player> - return time left on given player's rank