FarmingPlus icon

FarmingPlus -----

FarmingPlus is a plugin that allows players to experience new mechanics in farming.

What is FarmingPlus?
  • FarmingPlus is a Minecraft farming plugin that adds new mechanics to farming.
  • It's a free plugin that is easy to use and configure.
  • It's compatible with the next plugins:
    • Vault
    • WorldGuard
    • MythicMobs
    • PlaceholderAPI
  • Compatible with MySQL.
FarmingPlus is a plugin that allows players to experience new mechanics in farming. It includes new enchantments, with their own enchanting GUI, rewards for farming, and more.

Farmers Step III.jpeg

- Enchantments:
- Farmer's Grace: Prevent crops from being destroyed when trampled. (Boots)
- Replenish: Allows the player to replant crops automatically. (Hoe/Axe)
- Delicate: Prevents stems from being destroyed. (Axe)
- Irrigate: Allows the player to irrigate 64 blocks in a row (Configurable in config.yml). (Water Bucket)
- Grand Tilling: Allows the player to till an area. (Hoe)
  • Level I: 3x3 area.
  • Level II: 5x5 area.
  • Level III: 64 blocks in a row (Configurable in config.yml).
- Farmer's Step: Allow the player to plant crops automatically from their inventories in the area where they move. (Boots)
  • Level I: 3x3 area.
  • Level II: 5x5 area.
  • Level III: 7x7 area.

- Enchanting GUI:
- Enchant your tools with the enchanting GUI. Configure the costs in config.yml. They can be money, experience and items.
- Enchant with /fp.

- Rewards:
Configure how much rewards you want in rewards.yml. By default, there are examples in the file.
The leaderboard saves the record of when and what rewards the player has received. It's saved in Json file every few minutes(Configurable in config.yml).
- They work with the next parameters:
  • crops:
  • type:
  • chance
  • messages:
  • sound:
- Depending on the type there are different extra parameters:

  • Money:
    • amount:
  • Item:
    • items:
  • Command:
    • commands:
  • Summon:
Choose the mob that you want to summon. You can use MythicMobs.
  • mob:
  • amount:
  • level:


- Vault:
- Setup economic costs when enchanting items.
- Setup economic rewards.

- WorldGuard:
- Region control for Farmer's Step, Grand Tilling, Replenish, Irrigate and rewards.

- MythicMobs:
- You can summon MythicMobs as rewards.

- PlaceholderAPI:
- You can use placeholders in others plugins.

- fp.gui.use: Let the player use the GUI for enchanting.
- fp.autopickup: Let the player autopickup the crops they break.
- fp.commands.reload: Reloading config.yml.
- Let the player use /fp help.
- Let the player use /fp reward top.
- fp.commands.reward.list: Let the player use /fp reward list.
- fp.commands.reward.give: Let the player use /fp reward give. (ADMIN)
- fp.commands.reward.clear: Let the player use /fp reward clear. (ADMIN)
- fp.commands.enchants: Let the player use /fp enchants.
- fp.bypass.costs: Let the player enchant without costs.
- fp.bypass.farmerstep: Crops not needed in inventory when using Farmer's Step.
- Let the player use Farmer's step on WorldGuard regions.
- fp.bypass.replenish: Crops not needed in inventory when using Replenish.
- Let the player use Replenish on WorldGuard regions.
- Let the player use Grand Tilling on WorldGuard regions.
- Let the player use Irrigate on WorldGuard regions.
- fp.bypass.durability-damage: Tools or boots don't take durability damage when used by that player.
- fp.admin: Administrative permissions.

- %farmingplus_prefix%: Prefix of the plugin, configurable in config.yml.
- %farmingplus_total_rewards_top_number%: Top number player in rewards leaderboard. Change number for the top that you want to access.
- %farmingplus_top_position%: Position of the player in the leaderboard.
- %farmingplus_total_rewards%: Total rewards of the player.

Only working in the plugin:
- %farmingplus_top_number%: Changes to the number top that is unfilled. Used for not-top-reward in config.yml.

GUI1.jpeg GUI2.jpeg GUI3.jpeg GUI4.jpeg Farmers Step I.jpeg Farmers Step II.jpeg Farmers Step III.jpeg Farmers Step GUI.jpeg Farmers Step GUI2.jpeg

[​IMG] discord.png
If you have any questions, found a bug or want to suggest something, you can join to the official Discord Server.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 653
First Release: Jan 22, 2024
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
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