XPlayerKits | A simple and optimized /kits. | 1.8-1.21 icon

XPlayerKits | A simple and optimized /kits. | 1.8-1.21 -----

This plugin is designed to provide an optimized kit menu for users.

/xkits editor - Opens the editor for quick kit creation.
/xkits slots - Opens the slots editor for the kit menu.
/xkits kits - Opens the kit selection menu.
/xkits give <kitName> <player> - Directly give kits to players without verifications.
/xkits claim <kitName> <player> - Give kits to players with verifications.
/xkits reset <kitName> <player> - Reset a player's data and a specific kit..
/xkits resetall <player> - Reset all player's data.
/xkits delete <kitName> - Delete a kit.
/xkits migrate playerkits2_yml/playerkits2_mysql - Migrate data from kits of other plugins.
/xkits migratekits playerkits2 - Migrate kits from other plugins.


xkits.admin - Allows players to use the /xkits editor and /xkits slots commands.
xkits.countdown.bypass - Allows players to bypass the countdown on kits.
xkits.onetime.bypass - Allows players to bypass the one time on kits.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,015
First Release: Jan 21, 2024
Last Update: Jan 6, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings