✅ Party Manager ⚙️ (Party system | Bungee/Spigot) [1.8 - 1.20] ✅ icon

✅ Party Manager ⚙️ (Party system | Bungee/Spigot) [1.8 - 1.20] ✅ -----

Perfect solution for any cross server party system!


The Party Manager is a party proxy maigment system that works standalone or as an extension designed to complement Network Manager, simplifying the administration of party games servers. By utilizing the Network Manager API, it consolidates network management functions. This facilitates players in creating and joining parties, promoting a more collaborative gaming experience. Additionally, the plugin's API allows for effective sorting of players based on the specific games they engage in.

The plugin is highly configurable, allowing you to customize nearly every aspect. Some notable features of this plugin are:
  • Auto Party Expiration: Automatically disbands inactive parties.
  • Limitless Party Sizes: No restrictions on party size, configurable in config.
  • Cross-Server Invites: Enables invitations across different servers for a connected gaming community.
  • Cross-Server Party Chat: Party members can activate private cross server party chat.
  • API: Implements sorting algorithms for team selection in games, party information, events...
Proxy Setup:
Put the plugin on the proxy and all the servers. The servers don't need any configurations. So after you put the jar files in just restart all of them and you're done.
On the proxy you can configure the config file as you see fit.

Server Setup:

Put the plugin in the plugins folder.
You can configure the config file as you see fit.


/party list - Lists all the members of the party.
/party leave - Leave the current party.
/party delete - To delete the party.
/party invite [player] - Inivites a player to the party.
/party remove [player] - Removes a player from the party.
/party promote [player] - Promotes a player to an admin.
/party demote [player] - Demotes a player in a party.
/party private - Switches to only party chat.
/party public - Switches to public chat.

Example config
Code (YAML):
[/FONT ]
# VERSION 1.0.0

# Party settings
  # Invite exparation time in seconds.
: 300
    # Max party size. 0 = no limit.
: 0

# Message settings
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou're not in a party!"
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aPlayer not in party."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aPlayer already in party."
: "&x&f&5&2&7&8&4Invite of <player> has expired!"
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&fParty has been created!"
: "&x&f&5&2&7&8&4Party has been disbanded!"
: "&x&f&5&2&7&8&4Party has been disbanded since everyone in the party left!"
: "&x&f&5&2&7&8&4Party has been disbanded since the party leader left!"
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&fYou left the party!"
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou don't own the party! Try /party leave."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou don't have permission to invite players to party!"
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou don't have permission to do this."
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&f<player> has been invited to your party!"
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&f<player> has joined the party!"
: "&x&f&5&2&7&8&4<player> denied your party invite."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aPlayer isn't online."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou're not the owner of the party."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aPlayer is not a member of the party."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aPlayer is not an admin of the party."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou can't leave the party! Try /party delete"
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou can't invite yourself."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou can't remove yourself."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou can't promote yourself."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aYou can't demote yourself."
: "&x&e&3&0&7&3&aPlayer is already an admin of the party."
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&f<player> has been promoted to admin of the party."
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&f<player> has been demoted."
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&fParty chat enabled!"
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&fParty chat disabled!"
: "███████████████████████████████████"
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&fParty"
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&fParty List"
: "&aAdmins: "
: "&aMembers: "
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&fSearching for game server for your party..."
: "&x&0&0&c&8&f&fYou can't join games when you're in a party!"


Other plugins:
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

Before you buy the plugin make sure to read carefully this page just so you'll understand what you're getting.

Terms and conditions:
This plugin cannot be refunded.
You aren't allowed to redistribute/resell this plugin.
You aren't allowed to modify or decompile the plugin.

Support: https://discord.gg/2dcXEtP
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 8
First Release: Feb 3, 2024
Last Update: May 28, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings