# Hello and thanks for using MaEssentials! <3 settings:
enabled: true
prefix: "&d[ME]&f " messages:
otherplayer: "%p &aSwitched &f%s's &agamemode to &c%s" gamemodechange: "%p &aYour gamemode has been updated to &c%s" self: "%p &aYou set your gamemode to &c%s" survival: "SURVIVAL" creative: "CREATIVE" adventure: "ADVENTURE" spectator: "SPECTATOR" usage: "&cUsage: /gamemode <mode> [<player>]" vanish:
vanish_added: "%p &aYou are now vanished!" vanish_removed: "%p &cYou are not vanished anymore!" staff_vanish: "&a[+] %s is now vanished!" staff_vanishremoved: "&c[+] %s is not vanished anymore!" currently_vanished: "&fYou are currently &cVANISHED." fake_quit: true
to: "%p &aTeleported to &b%s" been_tped: "%p &aYou have been teleported to &b%s" tped: "%p &aTeleported &b%s&a to&c %s&a." errors:
console_not_player: "&cOnly players can use this command." missing_permission: "&4Only administrators can execute this command." player_not_found: "&cPlayer not found." missing_specific_permission: "&cYou are missing the permission: &4%s&c." feed:
restored_food: "&aRestored hunger of &b%s." own_food_restored: "&aYour hunger has been restored." heal:
restored_health: "&aRestored health of &b%s." own_health_restored: "&aYour health has been restored." clearchat:
cleared_by: "&aChat has been cleared by &b%s&a." bypassable: true
is_now_flying: "%p &aYou can now fly." no_longer_flying: "%p &cYou can no longer fly." can_fly_other: "%p &a%s can now fly!" cannot_fly_other: "%p &c%s can no longer fly!" give:
itemnotfound: "%p &cUnknown item." wrongobjecttypequantity: "%p &cQuantity needs to be a number." gave_succesfully: "%p &aGave &b%d %ss &ato &f%s&a."