Automatically teleport players out of the mine to prevent suffocation
Open to suggestions!
Planned Features:
Customizing all messages
Optimizing mine resetting
Commands & Permissions:
/bm list - Permission: boxmines.list - Lists the names of all added mines
/bm add <mineName> - Permission: boxmines.add - Adds a mine
/bm remove <mineName> - Permission: boxmines.remove - Removes a mine
/bm set <mineName> <block> <spawnPercentage> - Permission: boxmines.set - Sets the percentage of the mine in which a block will appear. If you wish to replace one, you must first unset the old one. - Example: - Set the mine to have 90% cobblestone: /bm set <mineName> cobblestone 90
/bm unset <mineName> <block> - Permission: boxmines.unset - Remove a block from a mine entirely - Example: - Remove cobblestone from the mine: /bm unset <mineName> cobblestone
/bm tp <mineName> - Permission: - Teleports the player to a mine
/bm regenerate <mineName> - Permission: boxmines.regenerate - Resets a mine
/bm rule <mineName> <setOption> <rule> <value> - **Permission**: boxmines.rule - Changes a rule on a mine - Example: - Set the mine to announce regeneration: /bm rule <mineName> set announceRegen true
/bm reload - Permission: boxmines.reload - Reloads the plugin
/bm - Lists all the commands
To report any bugs, post them in the discussion thread or create a new issue in GitHub.