Simple Bossbar icon

Simple Bossbar -----

New bossbar

Hello guys! I created a wey cool skript for minecraft servers! This is a very cool bossbar skript, with some features!
You can create bossbar for players, and this is will deleted when te player laved the server! This is good for youtubers!

You can make auto bossbar, with an id! This is will be show auto for players! And when joined to the server!

Easy to change the texts! Or you can add some messages to the bossbar!

When you setup a server bossbar with an id, it supports some placeholders!
<online> will replaced with the online players!
<player> will replaced with the player's name!
<time> will replaced with the current server time!
<balance> will replaced with player's balance
<world> will replaced with player's world!

You can add colored messages to the skript.

If are you like my skript, i will update! To support hex colors, and ItemsAdders texture!

More commands and ussage install the skript (Skript, SkRayFall, SKUtilites) And give "*" permissionm after use /bossbar command!

This skript is in beta version! If are you like the skript write a review, or the bugs found! Thanks for download!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 306
First Release: Dec 24, 2023
Last Update: Nov 20, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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