Ads - Chat advertising with teleport icon

Ads - Chat advertising with teleport -----

Allows you e.g. advertise your plot on a CityBuild server with direct teleport

The plugin allows players to create personalized advertising messages for themselves or their plots on CityBuild servers.

When creating the advertisement, a teleport point is set directly at the location where the player is located, allowing other players to teleport directly there using the message.
Alternatively, you can add your own commands such as /warp.

Players also have the option of setting their own settings for their advertising in-game.

You can also set costs for using the command
However, this requires the Vault plugin & a economy plugin that supports Vault.

  • Possibility to either execute a command like /p h <Player> on clicking the teleport button or creating a simple teleport point to your location, which the player can teleport to.​
    • Usable commands can be edited by an admin in the features.yml​
  • Teleport possibility by clicking on the button in the message or through the command /adstp​
  • Player related in game settings for their own ad, including:​
    • Enabling a line-break if the message is too long​
    • Having a preview before the ad is sent​
    • Disable the teleport function​
  • You can exclude worlds from getting ad-messages / even using it.​
    • Perfect for small servers where a small spawn- or lobby-area is in a different world.​
  • Possibility of player-related or general cooldowns for the use of /ads​
  • Creating custom cooldowns​
    • If you have different rank's you can use different permission to give each rank an own cooldown. Useful for shortening or even extending the cooldown​
  • You can use different sounds for different kind of events.​
  • Ads can be monetized.​
    • This requires vault and a suitable economy plugin​
  • The use of certain words can be prohibited​
  • You can use hex-colors and hex-gradients​
    The use of writing in color in the ad requires extra permission.
  • You can use MySQL​
    • Not recommended tho. The local .db file works the best​
Updated: Ads v4.4​

There are the following commands:
  • /ads - Shows you all the available options/commands of the plugin.​
  • /ads <Text> - With this command you can create advertisements for yourself and also customize them with the color codes (such as &c&l or hex-colors).​
  • /ads<text> [/command <TP-Point>] - Allows you to create advertisements directly with your own teleportation point. (Must be set in the features.yml)​
  • /adstp - With this command you can teleport directly to the advertisement.​
  • /ads relaod - Allows you to reload the config.yml and the features.yml directly in-game.​
  • /ads options - Allows you to make settings such as:​
    • Activate/deactivate teleportation in advertisements​
    • Activate/deactivate creating a line-break in advertisements​
    • Activate/deactivate preview​
  • /ads import - Only necessary if you want to import settings from an older version of the plugin. (Below 4.0)​
  • / ads confirm / cancel - Only necessary if the preview is activated in order to then confirm or cancel the advertisement.​
Alternatively, the aliases:
  • ad & adtp
  • werbung & werbungtp


Once the plugin is loading, it creates a config.yml, features.yml & language files in the plugins folder under the plugin name:

The Plugin also creates a folder called extras that contain the following files, which can also be edited:

Code (YAML):

# This is the prefix added before every message #
: '<gradient: #007BFF:#00C2E0>ADS</gradient> &8| '
# Current plugin language. (You can edit it in the ./lang/ folder) #
: 'en'
# This is the color used for special highlights #
: '< #7C8CFF></#>'
# Time that an advertisement remains active and no other advertisements can appear (In minutes) #
: '5'
# Decide whether the cooldown should be global or player-specific #
# Use: Global | Player #
: 'Global'
# Decides whether you want to ban certain words #
# Use: true = yes | false = no #
: 'false'
# List the forbidden words here [Separate these with a comma and do not use spaces!] #
: 'list,words,here'
# The permission a player needs to use /ads #
: ''
# The permission a player needs to color and bold the text in the advertisement #
: ''
# The permission that a player needs to be able to execute all commands of the plugin including /ads reload #
: ''
# The message that appears when a player does not have the required permissions #
: '&cYou dont have the &4permission &cto do this!'
# Decides whether you want to receive information about newer versions of the plugin #
# Use: true = yes | false = no #
: 'true'
# The permission a player needs to be notified of new plugin updates #
: ''
# MySQL #
: 'false'
: ''
: '3306'
: 'adsdb'
: 'User'
: '123456789'

Code (YAML):

#                   Optional features are listed here.                  #
#       In order to use the features, the Vault plugin is required!     #

# Preview prefix for an advertisement #
: '<gradient: #FF0000:#FF9300>PREVIEW</gradient> &8| '
# Decides whether /ads costs #
# Use: true = yes | false = no #
: 'false'
# Decides how much /ads should cost #
: '1000'
# Set the symbol of your currency here #
: '$'
# Decides whether your own teleportation points (commands) can be used #
# Example: /ads Visit my Shop! /warp shop #
# Use: true = yes | false = no #
: 'false'
# List the commands that can be used here. #
# [Separate these with a comma! A maximum of one sub-command can be used! (/sw teleport...) There must also be a / before the command!] #
: '/warp,/sw'
# This value determines how many characters are allowed per line #
# [If this is exceeded, the message is continued on a new line] #
: '80'
# Choose if you want to enable to exclude worlds #
: 'false'
# List the excluded worlds here [Separate these with a comma and do not use spaces!] #
: 'test_world,test_world_2'
# Enable Custom Cooldowns for Players, giving them the opportunity to have a less waiting time than the normal one #
# Edit it in Ads/extras/custom_cooldowns.yml #
# Use: true = yes | false = no #
: 'false'

All values in ' ' can be edited. It is important that the values are in ' ', otherwise errors may occur.

If you find any bugs / problems / translation errors or have any suggestions, please send me a message.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 946
First Release: Dec 23, 2023
Last Update: Aug 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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