[1.8 - 1.21] ⏳ ancHelperBot ✅ 24/7 active staff member, advanced question recognition! icon

[1.8 - 1.21] ⏳ ancHelperBot ✅ 24/7 active staff member, advanced question recognition! -----

This plugin analyzes messages and answers questions asked by players!

is basically a plugin that answers questions asked by players by matching them to the predefined questions set in the database by you.

This plugin uses the common method known as 'Bag-of-Words' to match messages with said questions in the database.

However, since this plugin only matches words and does not actually analyze the meaning of messages written by players, if a player somehow uses different words to ask about the same thing, it will not be answered by the plugin, what I mean is:

Let "How do I go to my island?" be a question defined in your database,
if a player asks "I want to teleport to the base, how?", it MIGHT not get picked up by the plugin.

I'll just add a single picture of the plugin in-game since the plugin itself is pretty self-explanatory.


Misspelling tolerance has been added to the plugin! Question recognition rates are now better!




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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 545
First Release: Dec 22, 2023
Last Update: Nov 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings