ThemisToDiscord | Themis Anti Cheat Discord Notifications Addon icon

ThemisToDiscord | Themis Anti Cheat Discord Notifications Addon -----

Enables Themis notifications to discord using a webhook.

Sends an embedded Themis notification to a discord webhook.

This is an unofficial addon and is not affiliated with the Themis project in any compacity.


Depends on Themis. To receive player ping and server tps Themis v0.15.3 or higher must be used.
  1. Place the ThemisToDiscord.jar file in your /plugins folder.
  2. Start or restart the server
  3. Run /ttd url <webhookUrl> (replace <webhookUrl> with your webhook url)
  4. Optionally, run /ttd test to ensure the setup is functioning
Alternatively, editing the config file located at /plugins/ThemisToDiscord/config.yml and then running /ttd reload is a suitable replacement for step 3.

Example Embeds

[​IMG] [​IMG]
[​IMG] [​IMG]
[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

All the colors are modifiable in the config file!!!


description: Allows access to the /ttd command
default: op


The worst way to try and get support is by leaving a review!

The best way to get support would be to post an issue on GitHub or join the Discord.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 330
First Release: Dec 19, 2023
Last Update: May 13, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings