Unleash discreet observation with SpectraVanish, the essential vanish plugin for Minecraft administrators. Dive into shadows to oversee your server seamlessly, ensuring gameplay, enforcing rules, and maintaining order without compromising excitement.
Key Features:
No Item PickUp: Vanished Players don't pick up Items, so they stay undedected
No Damage from other Enteties: You can't take any damage from any Enteties even in survival to stay invisible.
DiscordSRV support: When activated no Messages are sent in Discord via DiscordSRV. This includes the real Left message, Advancements and DeathMesage
Hidden in Tablist: Be hidden in the Tablist so that nobody can see you.
/vanish:Vanish command.
/vanish list: List vanished players.
/vanish <playername>: Vanish a specific player.
Code (YAML):
# =============================== # SpectraVanish Config # =============================== messages: # The message shown when a player who cannot see vanished players joins the game. # %PLAYER% will be replaced with the player's name in this message. # You can use Minecraft color codes like '&e' for yellow or '&a' for green. join_message: "%PLAYER% has joined the Game"
# The message shown when a player who cannot see vanished players leaves the game. # %PLAYER% will be replaced with the player's name in this message. # Minecraft color codes can be used here as well. leave_message: "%PLAYER% has left the Game"
# =============================== # Placeholders & Color Codes # =============================== # %PLAYER%: This placeholder will automatically be replaced with the player's name. # Color Codes: You can use the following color codes to style the messages: # &0 - Black # &1 - Dark Blue # &2 - Dark Green # &3 - Dark Aqua # &4 - Dark Red # &5 - Dark Purple # &6 - Gold # &7 - Gray # &8 - Dark Gray # &9 - Blue # &a - Green # &b - Aqua # &c - Red # &d - Light Purple # &e - Yellow # &f - White # &r - Reset to default color # &l - Bold # &n - Underline # &o - Italic # &m - Strikethrough # &k - Magic (obfuscated text)
vanish.*: Enables all vanish permission nodes
vanish.vanish: Allows a player to vanish
vanish.list: Allows a player to list vanished players
vanish.seeall: Allows a player to see all vanished players
vanish.vanish: Permission to vanish other players
Installation Guide:
Download SpectraVanish.
Install the plugin on your Minecraft server.
Access powerful vanish commands to redefine your gameplay.
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