This Minecraft plugin is an exact recreation of the "Secret Life" YouTube series hosted by Grian with TONS of extra features, and everything is fully customizable!
Yup, EVERYTHING - the tasks, the loot/hearts rewards - even the messages.
If you are completely unfamiliar with the concept, you can always watch his first episode, where he explains the basics of the series,
Make sure to read the "SETUP" section before downloading the plugin! Without following its steps properly, it won't work as intended!
In short, it is essentially a custom "Ultra Hardcore" Minecraft experience, where the name of the game is social interactions:
Every player starts the game with 3 lives and a green name.
When you die, you lose a life, and become yellow (2), or red (1).
If you die when you're red, you are eliminated from the game.
The game is played in 'sessions'.
At the start of every session, all players gain a secret social task.
You must never reveal your task to anyone! It is a secret.
If you complete your task, you will be rewarded with hearts (or loot, if you are already on max "reward" hearts or above)
There is absolutely no other way to regenerate health.
Don't like your task? You can always reroll for a harder task - but be warned, for the reward might be great, but the risk is definitely more!
If you pass a hard task you gain more hearts / more loot.
However, if you fail a hard task... You will lose some hearts.
At the start of every session, all players also get the ability to use the /gift command one time, which lets them gift a heart to another player of their choice. This heart is an "overflow" heart, meaning it can go beyond the "reward" hearts limit (but not beyond a value called the "overflow" hearts limit).
Yellow players may guess green players' tasks once per player per session - and if they do so successfully, the player instantly fails.
Red players get different tasks to green/yellow players - violent tasks, sending them to cause mayhem.
Red players have constant tasks - once they pass/fail a task, they are instantly given the next one.
Red names can NOT kill/damage other players if it is not their task.
If a red player kills another player, they gain hearts as a reward. These hearts can overflow beyond the "reward" hearts limit (but not beyond a value called the "overflow" hearts limit).
If a red player fails their violent task, they lose hearts.
These are some of the values assigned to the config file by default, taken directly from the original series.
"Reward" hearts limit: 30
"Overflow" hearts limit: 40 (unknown in the official series, but added here to prevent exploitation)
Hearts on respawn: 30
Hearts gained on completing a normal task: 10
Hearts removed on failing a normal task: 0
Hearts gained on completing a hard task: 20
Hearts removed on failing a hard task: 10
Hearts gained on completing a red task: 5
Hearts removed on failing a red task: 2.5
Heart to loot conversion rate: 1 item per excess heart
Overflow hearts gained for killing another player as a red life: 10
You can always change these values to suit your personal needs on your own server!
Check out the "Documentation" tab to learn more.
Almost all the official series tasks are listed in the config file by default!
Whoever has been dedicatedly updating the
Secret Life wiki page - thank you so much. Life saviors!
Do note that a LOT of these official tasks have gone through massive changes when my friend group played it ourselves: Certain tasks that could easily and quickly be completed at the start of the session were changed so they last the entire session instead, for example. We have also added a LOT of clarifications, to make sure the tasks are as clear and understandable as possible.
There are also tons of new, original, tasks - Some of which we came up with, and some were taken from comments of the official series' videos.
You can always change/add tasks in the config file, of course!
Check out the "Documentation" tab to learn more.
In the official series, all tasks share the same loot table, no matter their type. The loot table is also pretty basic, containing a relatively small selection of items (diamonds, gold blocks, iron blocks, infested stone, invisibility potions, golden apples, ancient debris, TNT, end crystals, and a few others).
To spice things up a little, I've chosen to add many many many more items to the table, as well as set up different loot tables for the different tasks!
Normal tasks grant basic loot, hard tasks can grant rare items, and red tasks have combat-focused loot.
The full lists are, of course, available in the config file - and you can always change them to suit your personal needs on your own server!
Check out the "Documentation" tab to learn more.
This is my first-ever Minecraft plugin, and I'm very proud of it.
It was originally intended just for me and my little friend group - we have been watching the official series and were DYING to play it by episode 3. Of course, no plugin has been released at the time, so... I just made my own
I hope you will have just as much fun as we did with it!
If you try it, please leave a review and let me know your thoughts!
One last note here - this plugin was HEAVILY inspired by the
"Last Life" plugin made by
Xcalibur8 - me and my friends used to play it all the time in the past! Even this Spigot page is inspired by their design - so if you want to play some other Life series, please do check out their page!
Features from the official series:
Hardcore Lives (green, yellow, and red lives)
UHC Mode (no regen)
Normal Tasks
Hard Tasks with more rewards & punishment for failing
Different tasks for red lives (violent, constant tasks)
/gift command (giving another player a heart once per session)
Getting 'overflow' hearts for kills as red lives
New features - all of which are optional and can be turned off via the config!
Easy to use GUI featuring all of the plugin's commands and explanations on what each one does!
Public chat messages whenever a player passes/fails/rerolls a task, detailing what their task was
Private chat messages for players when they turn yellow/red, explaining the rules of the game
Custom tab list, showing the amount of hearts each player has!
An effect playing above the heads of players who have not yet finished their tasks (this effect is visible to everyone EXCEPT the player it is displaying above - that way, it doesn't obstruct your vision looking up!)
[Off by default] Hard tasks for red lives
[Off by default] PUBLIC TASKS LOG IN GOOGLE SPREADSHEET! For information on how to set this up, please refer to the "Setup" section of this page
The same player can NOT get the same task more than once!
[Off by default] NO repeat tasks (meaning if you get a task, no one else can get the same task as you, ever again!)
Different loot tables depending on the type of your task
[Off by default] Teleport all new players joining the server to a 'starting platform' (which can be different from your world spawn)
[Added in v1.12] Predetermined tasks: Can be assigned via the PlayerData file. Please refer to the PlayerData section of the Documentation for more info!
Drop the plugin file into your server's "Plugins" folder, and start it once. When the server opens, a folder titled "Secret Life" will be created in your "Plugins" folder, containing the plugin's "config.yml" and "PlayerData.yml" files.
Log on to the server and build your own Secret Keeper! It can be absolutely anything, but it must have a few important features: - 3 distinctly different "interaction blocks" for passing, failing, or rerolling a task - An area for items to drop in
The "interaction blocks" can be anything - bells, beacons, or just simple buttons. These are gonna be the blocks players right-click on in order to interact with the Secret Keeper. I recommend bells, personally!
Go to the plugin's config file, and in it, go to the "interactions_manager" section. Fill in the coordinates of each one of the interaction blocks you've placed, as well as their type, like so:
Go to the "locations" sub-section of the "tasks_manager" section, and fill in the coordinates of the corner blocks of your item drops area, like so:
Either restart the server or reload the config via the "ReloadConfig" command (please refer to the "COMMANDS" section of this page for more info!)
And this is everything you need for the plugin to function properly, without the optional mechanics!
If you do want to add the Starting Platform and the Tasks Log mechanics, please proceed to the next sub-sections of this page.
Build a little platform for your players to spawn in. Here's what the starting platform on our own server looks like, for example:
Open up the plugin's config file. In it, go to the "players_manager" section, and set "teleport_to_platform_on_first_join" to "true".
Go to the "locations" sub-section of the "players_manager" section, and fill in the coordinates of where you want your players to appear when they join the server for the first time, like so:
Either restart the server or reload the config via the "ReloadConfig" command (please refer to the "COMMANDS" section of this page for more info!)
And that's it!
New players who do not yet appear in the plugin's PlayerData.yml file will now be teleported to those coordinates when they join the server.
Open up your Google Drive and create a new Google Form. Yup, a normal Google Form! The design, title, and description of the form do not matter at all, as no one is going to see it.
Add 5 "Short Answer" questions and title them like so (the text can be different, that's okay! But they should be in the same order so it's easier for you to set up - so the question about the player name, for example, must be first!):
Click the 3 dots at the top right of the Forms page and select "Get pre-filled link":
Fill in all of the questions with something that'll help you identify each question in the link - and click "get link", then "copy link". Like so:
If you look closely at the link you've received, you'll find the answers you have written for all of the questions in the last step. Now, replace each answer like so: Player → <value1> Difficulty → <value2> Red → <value3> Type → <value4> Content → <value5>
If you try and open your link now, it should open up your Google Form - but with "<value1>" and such as pre-filled answers to all of the questions.
Replace the words "viewform" in the link with "formResponse". This will make it so that if you try to open the link, it will instantly SUBMIT the form instead of just opening it with the pre-filled answers.
Open up the plugin's config file. In it, go to the "settings" sub-section of the "tasks_manager" section, and look for "tasks_log".
There, set "enabled" to "true", and copy-paste your Google Form link in "link", like so:
Either restart the server or reload the config via the "ReloadConfig" command (please refer to the "COMMANDS" section of this page for more info!)
And that's it! Everything is now set up!
Whenever you start a server-wide session, or when a player passes/fails/rerolls a task, a response will be added to your Google Form with all of the relevant information.
The only thing left for you to do is to open up your Google Form once more, go to "Responses", and click "View in Sheets":
This will generate a new Google Spreadsheet that is linked with your Google Form. All of the Form's responses will appear there, all perfectly organized!
At the top right of the Google Spreadsheet screen, hit "Share" - then either set the Spreadsheet to "Anyone with the link can view", or share it with your friend's emails specifically so they can see the log too.
Have fun!
I personally also recommend going into the file and setting "view-distance" to 32, as well as going into the spigot.yml file and setting "entity-tracking-range.display" and "entity-tracking-range.players" to 512, so players can see other players from basically anywhere on the map as long as their render distance is high enough!
Another thing you should probably do is set the biome around your "Secret Keeper" to Mushroom Fields so no mobs can spawn there - as well as turn "Keep Inventory" on.
Don't forget to add a world border to make sure players don't go too far away from each other!
And of course, make sure to install the
Simple Voice Chat mod on your server to get the proper experience.
All of the plugin's Admin Commands are available in the interactive menu - which you can access by typing "/sl" or "/sl _Menu"!
It also explains exactly what each command does in detail.
"/sl _BeginSession"
Starts the session, giving all online players a task and the ability to use /gift.
"/sl _EndSession"
Ends the session, forcing all players who still have a task to fail instantly.
Note: If reds are set to have constant tasks, the command will skip them. It also doesn't take away the ability to use /gift.
"/sl ReloadConfig"
Reloads the config file.
"/sl StartNewSeason"
Completely resets all of the plugin's data (including lives, hearts, and tasks) as well as normal Minecraft player data (achievements, inventories...) - EVERYTHING. For ALL PLAYERS.
Don't use this if you don't know what you're doing!
You should only use this command if you want to reset everything and start a new 'season' on the same server.
"/sl BeginPlayerSession"
Starts the session for a specific player, giving them a task and the ability to use /gift.
"/sl AddLife"
Adds 1 LIFE to a specific player.
"/sl RemoveLife"
Removes 1 LIFE of a specific player.
"/sl AddMurderHearts"
Simulates a specific player committing a murder.
Note: If the selected player isn't a red name and the setting 'can_non_reds_kill' is off, nothing will happen.
"/sl AddHeart"
Adds 1 heart to a specific player.
"/sl RemoveHeart"
Removes 1 heart of a specific player.
"/sl ResetHearts"
Resets the amount of hearts a specific player has, as if they just died and respawned back on full hearts.
"/sl ForceFailPlayerTask"
Forces a specific player to fail their current task.
"/sl ResetPlayerTask"
Resets the plugin's stored data of a specific player's current task.
Note: This is useful for when a player accidentally loses their task item, since most commands won't be allowed to execute if their stored task isn't in their inventory.
And of course, the "/gift" command (available to everyone, not just admins), which gifts another player of your choice a free heart. Can only be used once per session.
If you need any additional help with the plugin or want to report an issue with it, please feel free to join
my Discord server!
The plugin's code is public for all to see on GitHub to help others start and learn.
Do not,
under any circumstance, reupload the plugin to any website! You may use parts of the code in your own project (with credit), but please make sure your project is different and unique - not just this plugin but with subtle changes. That
WILL be considered reuploading.
Free to use! Just give credit if used in a recorded series.