#If you don
't know what to do, join our discord, where we will give you advice. # https://discord.gg/nE2YhqWzDZ
# Used to let the plugin determine if your config is up-to-date, so a # warning can be printed in the server console. Only edit this if you # know what you are doing, or have just updated your config to the # newest version. config-version: '1.8'
#Customs Join and Leave message First-Join: "&eThe player &6%player% &ehas joined the server for the first time" Join-Message: "&a[+] &7%player%" Leave-Message: "&c[-] &7%player%"
#PREMIUM JOIN AND LEAVE MESSAGE #Edit your JOIN premium message #Max 5 #Permissions #cmjoin.1 #cmjoin.2 #cmjoin.3 #cmjoin.4 #cmjoin.5 Join: priorities-and-messages: 1: "&a&l(!) &6%player% &ejoined the game!" 2: "&a&l(!) &6%player% &ejoined the game!" 3: "&a&l(!) &6%player% &ejoined the game!" 4: "&a&l(!) &6%player% &ejoined the game!" 5: "&a&l(!) &6%player% &ejoined the game!"
#Edit your LEAVE premium message #Max 5 #Permissions #cmleave.1 #cmleave.2 #cmleave.3 #cmleave.4 #cmleave.5 Leave: priorities-and-messages: 1: "&c&l(!) &6%player% &cleft the game!" 2: "&c&l(!) &6%player% &cleft the game!" 3: "&c&l(!) &6%player% &cleft the game!" 4: "&c&l(!) &6%player% &cleft the game!" 5: "&c&l(!) &6%player% &cleft the game!"
#Plugin message settings Reload: "&7Reload plugin was successful." Prefix: "&e[&6CustomsMessage&e]"