suBagBackUp——⭐Automatically backs up the player's backpack⭐ icon

suBagBackUp——⭐Automatically backs up the player's backpack⭐ -----

Automatically backs up the player's backpack

This plugin is used to automatically back up player items or manually back up.
Cross-server support and can be used with cross-server data synchronization plug-ins.
Mod is supported.

Directives + Permissions

/bbu all——Back up all online player backpacks
/bbu id——Back up the specified player's backpack
/bbu reload——Overload the configuration file
/bbu id [time]——Restore a backup of the player for the specified time
([time]It is automatically displayed and completed with tab)

/bbui id ——open player info with ui
Use the tutorial
Put the plugin into the plugins folder and restart the server.
You just need to modify the config.yml.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 118
First Release: Dec 3, 2023
Last Update: Sep 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings